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A Study Of TCM Education On The Influence Of Science And Technology In Song Dynasty

Posted on:2009-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Z ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360245451696Subject:History of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of Ancient Chinese science and technology and handicraft got peak in Song Dynasty. To some degree, few results in Astronomy, Mathematics and Chemistry affected the development of Chinese medicine. The copper manufacturing and the printing industry is a fundation for the progress of Chinese medicine teaching aids. Dantong, an method in Chemistry, is an efficient way to melt copper; while the processing of bronze utensils can produce Acus and Acupuncture Bronze Figure for the development of the acupuncture. The prosperity of the Printing Industry, Deckle Industry and Ink industry made Checking, editing, annotating and sorting Ancient Medical works possible. Ancient Medical prints were issued in large quantity, which removed the technical barriers during the process of Chinese medicine development.In Song Dynasty, Acupuncture therapy is popular among many traditional treatment methods. During this period, Chinese physician inherited the precious medical theories and methods of medical education from Sui and Tang dynasties, and meanwhile created the acupuncture education pools and methods that were adopted then and future. It is believed by most historians that the traditional Chinese Medicine was the most developed and completed one in the world during the Song Dynasty. This evaluation benefited from the political stability, free and lively academic environment, science and technology development, medical system reform and professional medical education. The government attached much importance to the development in Traditional Chinese Medicine; besides this, the open and relax cultural policy, the improvement of selection and training of qualified personnel, the combination of technology education, science and technology research and the government's functional departments, all these factors above created a fine environment for the research achievement in Song Dynasty. Inherited from the Tang Dynasty, the medical education paid more attention to the reform of teaching methods and the use of visual teaching methods.The development of science and technology improved paper production, and promoted manufacturing craft, the invention of Printing, the acupuncture bronze casting and so on. The development also improved the acupuncture tools and methods, then thus promoted the education, in particular, the education of the traditional acupuncture inheritance. The development did not only promoted the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine education, but also means a new era for the worldwide researchers to study and exchange in Chinese acupuncture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song Dynasty, Acupuncture Bronze Figure, Acupuncture Education
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