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The Survival Of Autologous Fibroblasts In Blood Vessels

Posted on:2008-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S DingFull Text:PDF
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[BACKGROUND] Head and neck vascular malformations are among the most common benign tumors seen in children. Given the clinical features of AVM in this critical area, embolization of the feeding artery is now widely accepted to be on the top of the list of treatment options. Yet the embolization agents at hand, though effective in some cases, still have a lot to be improved.Inspired by the hypothesis that artherosclerosis starts from en- dothelium injury and subsequent fibroblast proliferation , we come up with a idea that certain liquid embolization agent containing fibro- blasts may be a promising treatment option of head and neck AVMs.[OBJETIVES] To study the methods of In Vitro original fibroblast culturing and specific cell marking techniques. Then to observe the survival and fuction of fibroblasts injected into blood vessels.[METHODS] Fibroblasts which are harvested from the dermal of SD rats was cultured in vitro to the 5th generation and then injected into the rats' blood vessels after marked with Brdu. Several weeks later ,the injected vessels were harvested and section-staining was done.[RESULTS] Fibrolasts survived in the vessels while the ruction of fiber secretion is well preserved .At 5th week after the injection, the vessels were almost blocked by fibrous tissue.[CONCLUSION] Liquid embolization agent containing autologous fibro- blasts may be a promising option in the treatment of head and neck AVMs.
Keywords/Search Tags:AVM, interventional therapy, liquid embolization agents, autologous fibroblasts, cell marking
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