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The Case Report Of Hepatocellularcarcinoma And Biliargy Thrombi

Posted on:2005-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A man, 50 years old, has felt nause vomit and jaundice for half a month. Fifteen days ago, he felt nause vomit without any causing factors, the vomiting thing was content of stomach, and the same time he felt tired, his skin was jaundice, he felt no fever no chill no abdomen pain. He was accepted to hospital ward of WuGang Hospital, in ward, he was gave curing of protective liver, but the symptom wasn't alleviated, the jaundice was more and more graved, so he went to our hospital, and was accepted for "hilar cholangiocarcinoma". The man's vigour has been bad, he has ate very little food since he was ill, and his weight was lightened clearly. He has been hepatitis fifteen years.. PE: T37 R 20/min P 75/min BP 130/80mmHg Saint was clear, choice ill face, skin was jaundice, the swallow lymphnodes coundn't be felt. Heart and lung were normal. There were no veins bent in abdomen, he felt pain in up-right abdomen, and had press pain, no resist pain, his liver and spleen conndn't be felt under lib. CT sign: high obstructive jaundice, hilar cholangiocarcinoma. Lab-check:blood-Rt:Q liver-function:ALT 336u/L AST 244u/L TBILI 162.4umol/L D-BILI28.1 umol/L T-PROT 69.2G/L ALB41.8G/L A/G 1.5 GGT1113u/L ALP 699u/L kidney-function:Q HBsAg(+) blood-AFP 21400. 53 ug/L, heart electric Picture was normal, chest-x: normal. PT.APTT Q B-ultrosound sign:left portal vein thrombosis, up-choledochal obstructive. After three days, he was gave operation, we saw a 4.5 X 5.0cm pump in left leaf of left liver, a D-2.5cm thrombosis in left live tube, and thrombosis in choledochal and portal vein, he was gave left liver resection, and was picked out the thrombosis in left liver tube portal vein, there is nothing in right liver tube and down-choledochal, gave a T-tube. After surgery, he was diagnosised left liver carcinoma, left liver tube portal vein thrombosis. Pathology check(left liver portal vein left liver tube choledochal thrombosis) hepatocellocarcinoma( II-III). After surgery, he was gave cure of anti -infection, protect-liver, his recover was good, after half a month his liver-function: ALT 104u/L AST 103u/L T-BILI 124.5umol/L D-BILI 57.4umol/L. ALB 32.2G/L GGT 261u/L ALP35lu/L, he was admitted to go home. He Survived one year..
Keywords/Search Tags:hepatocellucarcinoma, thrombi, obstructive, jaundice
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