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The Study Of The Famous Doctor Guoyuanfeng's Acdemic Thoughts In His Work "Pulse As

Posted on:2003-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360065455020Subject:TCM History and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article mostly involves four-part of content,disparts four chapters. Chapter one discusses the content,method,purpose and sihnificance of this investigation. Compare "Pulse as" with some pulse articles of its correlative TCM works and pusle viewpoints of preexistence and cotemporary famous doctors and their works (such as Huaborerfs "Diagnostic he\m"JLishizhen's "Binhu pus\Q",Zhang/iebin's "pulse spirit article",Lw/wca/'s "Diagnostic eyes" and Zhanglu's "Diagnostic model secrets"),analyses and summarizes the developments and specialties upon pulse diagnoses of "Pusle as",evaluate its' pulse diagnostic achievements and values, discusses Guoyuanfeng's pulse thoughts and its' sources using comparative and analytical methods.Chapter two introduces the contents of main sections in brief and gives some comments (includes original text's sources, writing ways, its' values and deficiency ).This chapter introduces in brief and comments on fifteen sections. As the "twenty-eight kinds of pulse" is the main part of this chapter, especially the "as pulse" kinds embodies the author's writing aims, thus especially clearing his meanings with lists, to see Guoyuanfeng's twenty-eight kinds of pulse's sources and points.Chapter three assumes overall this book, draws out Guoyuanfeng's pulse thoughts, evaluates the learned values and its' deficiency of "Pulse as".The learned thoughts and values of "Pulse as"are embodied in three aspects: learning lections (including reading in no words and sentences, respecting while not following the ancients stiffly and rigidly, explaining lection incisively and correctly, comprehending the decrees profoundly and can drawing inferences about other cases from one instance, wiping off the questions during the comprehention of the lections, questioning and criticizing the errors of the lections bravely, and so on.), pulse theories(includingsucceeding and ulteriorly generalizing pulse's Yinyang taxonomy, developing Zhang/ingyue's thoughts of pulse's spirits, ascertaining the disease's mechanism and reasons according to the pulse, developing and consummating the taxonomy of four key link pulse, advancing definitely the "as pulse" kinds has profound significance not only in enriching the pulse content but also in methodology, and so forth.) and spreading and popularizing pulse theories.Its' deficiencies includes: following preexistent errors, not giving the quotations' sources, puting forward some error theories and describing insufficiently well and truly.Chapter four put the original texts of twenty-eight kinds of pulse of "Pulse as" in this article's appendix for scholar's reference now that it is the essential part of the work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guoyuanfeng, Pulse as, Learned achievements
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