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The Occurrence Regularity And Controls Of Two Dioryctria Damaging On Korean Pine Cones

Posted on:2010-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2143360275966796Subject:Forest Protection
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Korean pine is valuable to human.Man-made Korean pine forest in Heilongjiang province was severely damaged by some species of Dioryctria(Lepidoptera:Pyralidae).The species of Dioryctria have a nearly similar outlooks and biology so they were very easy to be confused. And there was no efficient controls to them.For the reason of raveling the biological, ecological and damage characteristics of these species,we carried a long time investigation combined with laboratory experiments to research the Korean pine cone worms.After clear the ecological and damage characteristics,we use Abamectin,Imidacloprid and Beta cypermethrin spraying;use Acetamiprid,Beta cypermethrin and Abamectin insecticidal smoke;sex-lure try to control the pests.And to the pest's unique bionomics,we try to explain it from the aspect of Korean pine chemical substances changes during the pest's transfer period,and further the coevolution relationship between herbivore and the host plants.The research showed that the cone worm species in Heilongjiang province were mainly D. sylvestrella and D.abietella.D.sylvestrella often had one larva in one cone,and had transfer damage characteristics between the cones and tips,and the damaged cones were not tend to rotten.D.abietella often had many larvae in one cone,had no transfer damage characteristics, and the damaged cones were tend to rotten.At the same time,we also report another worm damaged on Korean pine cone for the first time,it's Eupithecia gigantea Staudinger.Through the selection of spraying insecticides,we preliminary confirmed Abamectin 4000X,Imidacloprid 1500X and Beta cypermethrin 2000X were the best insecticides.The regulate effect is separately 61.11%,72.72%and 57.89%;Insecticidal smoke Abamectin had the best agent,its regulate effect was better than 40%.Through determine the chemical substances during the pest's transfer period,we researched the relationship between the Korean pine chemical defense and the pest's different eco-strategy.The results showed that four defense substance in tips were much higher than that in the cones during the first transfer period(P<0.01),while nutritious substance soluble sugar and totap protein had separately negative difference(P>0.01);but the four defense substance in tips and the cones had a negative difference(P>0.01) during the second transfer period, while the content of soluble sugar and totap protein in cones lower than that of tips(P<0.01), the result obviously showed that the transfer damage characteristics of the pest had a close relationship with Korean pine chemical substances.This research based on the principle of practical and instruction purpose,through the accurate pest identification and research on the basic bionomics,we provide theoretical basis for the chemical control and sex-lure monitor and control.And we established solid foundation for the efficient control in future.Also the Korean pine chemical substances had a close relationship with pest's eco-strategy,our research supplied a theoretical basis for the future strengthen Korean pine resistance,control the pest population from the chemical ecology aspect.
Keywords/Search Tags:pine cone worm, Dioryctria sylvestrella, Dioryctria abietella, occurrence regularity, chemical control
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