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Species Matching For Golf Course In The Northern China

Posted on:2010-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F K LuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Species matching for different parts of golf course in Northern China was studied. Three varieties of Agrostis palaustris Huds and three varieties of Poa pratensis L were used as testing materials. Five mixed sowings and 6 mono-sowing from the 6 varieties were tested. Assessments were made on appearance quality (such as density, leaf color, lawn texture and homogeneity), ecological quality (such as green period, coverage, weed and disease resistances), and using quality (such as wear tolerance, lawn intensity and lawn establishment speed). The results showed that:Mixed-sowing had a higher resistance to weed invasion than the mono-sowing. In the Agrostis, Cv."pennaA-4"and Cv. L-93 had high resistance to weed invation. In the Poa, Cv."Blueship"and Cv."Nuglade"had high resistance to weed invation. High proportion of these cultivars may increase the weed invation resistance for the lawn establishment. Lawns established with mixed sowing showed better qualities than the mono-cultivar established ones.Under continuous low residue cutting (0.5-10.0 cm) managements, the five mixed sowing treatments was assessed for their appearance quality, ecological quality and using quality. Suitable combinations of the mixed sowing were selected for different locations in the Golf Course.
Keywords/Search Tags:Golf creeping bent grass, Kentucky bluegrass, Bluegrass grass ratio, Comprehensive evaluation
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