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Large Preparation Of Choline Chloride Powder Technology And Equipment Industrial Applied Research

Posted on:2009-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2143360272487229Subject:Environmental Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Choline Chloride animal growth is indispensable for a water-soluble cellulose, In great demand in the feed industry, Choline Chloride powder drying technology for product quality assurance and the development of the industry is essential. In this paper, in order to achieve the scale of production 15,000 tons per year of Choline Chloride powder in 50% of the industrial applications for the device target, in view of the scale of Choline Chloride drying technology and equipment development of the existing problems in a systematic and technology research and Equipment Development, Research includes the following four aspects:1. Since the liquidation of the rotating cylinder drying devices on the system, the device's basic principle of cylinders in the mass transfer and heat transfer process copied board structure, the structure and location of the chain were analyzed to determine the clean-up since the rotary circle Choline Chloride in the drying cylinder in the method of calculation and design.2. Experimental study determined through experiments technical route. Choline Chloride through the small test, trial and industrialization of experiments on different speed, the wind speed, air temperature, and so the impact of the drying process to determine the design basis. Identified the materials and devices medium heat countercurrent contact cooling water-cooled rotating cylinders closed drying process.3. In process research and theoretical analysis on the basis of the research and development equipment. Dryer on the structure, design reasonable copy plate chain structure, a reasonable choice of the cooling equipment, the completion of key components of the dryer identification, research and development of energy-saving, continuity, and the security and stability of large-scale installations of Choline Chloride powder, good viscous solution of the heat in the drying process of Choline Chloride in the visco-wall, Guoqiu, caking, pasting the issue of eradicating corruption. Technology Ltd. in Shandong Aokete a successful production applications, thus achieving the expected targets.4. A large-scale preparation of Choline Chloride powder technology and equipment, industrial applied research. Application of the technology and equipment of the evaluation of the feasibility and economic analysis, and established the further promotion of the basis of market applications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Choline Chloride, drying, equipment, technology
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