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The Effect Of Rancid Oil On Organ Tissue Of Kreo-chicken

Posted on:2009-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R WangFull Text:PDF
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The topic fundamentally analysised the pathological changes of parenchymal organs and alimentary canal by pathohistology in kreo-chickens which were fed with rancid oil bait vessels to reveal the pathological effect of rancid oil to parenchymal organs and alimentary canal,at the same time the analysis can provid a theoretical background to prevent the unfavourable effect of the chichen's performance induced by the rancid oil.The kreo-chichen which were fed with normo-bait vessels(acid value of lipids is 4),as blank control; which were fed with bait vessels(acid value of lipids is 8),as groupâ… ; which were fed with bait vessels(acid value of lipids is 10),as groupâ…¡.The histopathologic and ultrastructural changes of the liver, kindy,craw, stomachus glandularis,dodecadactylon, jejunum,ileum and blindgut were observed with H.E drum dyeing and optical microscopy respectively.Meanwhile,measured the length and diameterand of the intestinal villi by graticule.Results were as follows: the damage occurred by ingesting the rancid oil differed from each group and each day. Granular degeneration and bubble degeneration were observed in hepatic cells. The constitution of acini hepatic was deranged. As the acid value of lipids was more and more high, the lasting time was more and more longer, the hepatic cells analosised and necrosised. And the kindy suffered some affection, such as renal cells swelled, what's the worse, granular degeneration and bubble degeneration were also observed. After the experiment adipose degeneration occurred in the renal cells. Parts of the renal cells amoticed, acinus renis analosised, micrangium engorged and congested The parenchymal organ's histopathologic changes of groupâ… and groupâ…¡was very serious. And the damage was more serious as the time became longer and longer.The pathological changes was shown in the chicken's alimentary system. EC of the craw mucosa apomorphosised,part of them necrosised,the lamina propria engorged; EC of the stomachus glandularis apomorphosised and amoticed.EC of the aggregate glands in lamina propria apomorphosised and amoticed EC of each part of bowel apomorphosised and amoticed, lamina propria was cutaneous,and parts of them generated ICI, intestinal villis became shorter,parts of then already broke,the intestinal canal thinningzed. Relatively groupâ…¡was more serious than groupâ… ,and identically the present condition more serious than initial stage's.As for the effect of villi to small intestine that the rancid oil occurred, the chorionic villi's length and width of dodecadactylon and jejunum in groupâ… and groupâ…¡were lower than the blank control in the fifteenth day. But in the twentieth day, the disparation of the chorionic villi's length in dodecadactylon and jejunum between groupâ… and blank control was quiet(p>0.05), Adversely, the disparation between groupâ…¡and blank control was significant(p<0.05), the disparation of the chorionic villi's length in jejunum between groupâ…¡and blank control was extremely significant(p<0.01),the disparation of width was significant (p<0.05).In the twenty-fifth day, the disparation of chorionic villi's length in dodecadactylon among groupâ… ,groupâ…¡and blank control was significant (p<0.05),but the disparation of length was quiet(p>0.05), the disparation of chorionic villi's length in jejunum between groupâ… and blank control was significant (p<0.05), the disparation between groupâ…¡and blank control was extremely significant(p<0.01), the disparation of chorionic villi's width in jejunum among groupâ… ,groupâ…¡and blank control was extremely significant(p<0.01), the disparation of chorionic villi's length in ileum between groupâ… and blank control was significant (p<0.05), but the disparation of length and width between groupâ…¡and blank control was extremely significant(p<0.01).The results prove that the rancid oil can damage the histologic structure of the chichen's organon parenchymatosum and alimentary canal. And the villi of small intestine can analosis and short in several days.And the condition would become more and more serious,as the acid value of lipids became more and more higher. So we can conclude that the rancid fat is one of the important results that can damage the chichen's performance.
Keywords/Search Tags:kreo-chicken, rancid oil, constitution, intestinal villi
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