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Introduction And Study Of OuLi-An Excellent Pioneering Tree Seed For Soil And Water Conservation On Mountain Area With Sandston

Posted on:2008-11-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H N ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2143360248453271Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ou Li (Prunus humilis Bge sok) for the Rosaceae (Rosaceae) are cherry (Prunus), deciduous small perennial shrubs. A cold resistance, drought tolerance, tolerance INFERTILE, Saline-alkali Tolerance, strong adaptability features, soil and water conservation effective, and has become a good soil and water conservation pioneer tree species.Topics After four years, the township next horseshoe valley small basin, the Academy of Forestry set up a base Yamaguchi pilot park, Ou Li through propagation and high-yield cultivation techniques, the EU Li drought resistance properties, Ou Li adaptability under different site conditions and the soil and water conservation Ou Li research, such as that under the conclusion of the study:(1)Through observation, Ou Li Tai-an's phenology and growth and development of normal, Ou Li Tai-an on March 15 infancy, March 20 exhibition leaves, April 8-9 flowering, full bloom for the April 12, shoots speed for the long-term mid-April to mid-June, Ou Li III, fruit maturity for August 10-13 Japan, and Ou Li IV, fruit maturity for August 25-28, November 10 deciduous.(2) Adoption of path analysis method to study the yield factor Ou Li, Ou Li yield constitute the first major factor is the number of branches per plant results, constitute the second Ou Li yield per plant is the main factor of the results, within a certain range, yield results sticks with the increase in the number increased.(3) Summed up a set of suitable gravel mountain Ou Li Introduction breeding and cultivation technology: in the year Ou Li have three water requirements, the need fertilizer critical period: budding spring flowering stage, the young fruit shoots vigorous growth and expansion phase, in early August, the last time the growth in peak fruit before topdressing irrigation, fruit expansion of the role of accelerated significantly. The High Yield Ou Li tree with all kinds of results sticks around 12, 7-8 Chi-sheng, 2-year-Chi 4-5, leaving the annual election of a new branch of Health Update sticks as a 15 months, yield per plant 1-1.5 kg, the per hectare yield 18000 kg and above. According to the trial, and the broader Ou Li, in mid-March, when the initiative Shoots and Buds of planting, breeding early May Greenwood cutting seedlings, contour planting hole method, the density of 20000~40,000/ha. After pruning the attention of colonization, one-year-old trees 25 cm per cigarette stay around pruning, tree branches on the biennial collateral to the main shear infrequent, leaving every 10-15 months Cong election as updating sticks; Thinning fruiting tree to a branch of the weak and aging of 2-3 years old sticks.(4) Ou Li on soil, climate and so has a strong adaptability, through DuiShan sunny, peaceful mountains north slope of the three Test Site Conditions, have shown good adaptability.(5) Ou Li leaves to the roots and a strong drought. 2-year-old plant roots and branches dry weight ratio was 7.88, roots tangled, rough-kan was inclined distribution, distribution of fine roots level, all of the roots and the root of81.73% in the 20 to 40 cm in the soil, forming dense mesh structure, soil tightly wrapped.(6) Ou Li distribution of the root system of the state as well as good to play a good Ou Li Soil and Water Conservation, coarse root of the whole plant has a good fixed, fine-root soil particles can be adsorbed, solid soil capacity strong. In addition branches intensive rainfall reduced the erosion surface, the roots can be deciduous rainwater harvesting, do not form a surface runoff, can effectively prevent the surface soil water and wind erosion, soil Ou Li Lin largest storage capacity of 1257.6 t/ha, the largest water retention rate of 435.29% shows that the most Solid soil-water role. Through runoff plots observation test, and Ou Li Lin on the improvement of EU soil, increase soil water storage capacity, improve soil permeability of soil and water conservation, such as soil and water conservation targets were relatively significant.Ou Li is set economic, social and ecological benefits, which integrates fine fruit trees, the mountains are green and gravel soil and water conservation pioneer tree species, promote the use of large area, the fight against soil erosion, improve the production and living environment, and raise the income of peasants will play a very important role.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ou Li, Introduction, Soil and water conservation, Cultivation techniques, Effectiveness
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