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Studies On Screening The Suitable Rootstock For 'Yatomi Rosa' Grape

Posted on:2008-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A L JiangFull Text:PDF
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we select the rootstock suitable for Yatomi Rosa in order to resolve the growth slowly,growth increment little and yield lower in early stage of Yatomi.Rosa on own root which provide theory for Yatomi Rosa used suitable rootstock and make cultivation measure.The main results were as follow:1.Experiments on the rootstock grape varieties cutting and grating propagation had been done,the result showed that the rate of living can be over seventy percent using rootstock cutting,the living rate can arrived eighty nine percent using 225Ru and "Huajia No8" rootstock grafing which was highest.Using 5BB,5C,775,Beta grafing,the living rate was sixty percent to sixty nine percent and the quality of grafing seedlings was well,which show that the compatibility between the six rootstock and Yatomi Rosa was well.2 The Physiology indexes of resistance stress of different rootstock was determined,the result show that "Huajia No8"have high levels of protective enzyme and Proline and activity oxygen accumulation amount and MDA content was little,so "Huajia No8" have strong stress resistance.3 The growth state and fruit setting grafting trees on Yatomi Rosa used different stionic combination have been investigated.The results showed that the growth increment of grafting trees was higher than trees on own root.Yatomi.Rosa used rootstock grafted can reinforced early stage growth increment significantly,grafting cultivation can improve fruit setting and yield in early stage.The yield of grafting trees of Yatomi.Rosa was stable more than trees on own root.4 The grape weight of grafting trees on Yatomi Rosa was higher than trees on own root,but there was no significant difference in tightness and color,so grafting cultivation was beneficial to the appearance quality,but it wasn't obvious to the fruit quality.5 The result of photosynthetic indexes of different stionic combination on Yatomi Rosa,the result showed that the grafting tree have high photosynthetic ability,the net photosynthetic rate of grafting tree was 10.59-15.02μmol·m-2·s-2,but the net photosynthetic rate of tree on own root was 9.09-12.63μmol·m-2·s-2.The grafted trees onYatomi Rosa has higer level of protection enzyme and lower accumulation of activity Oxygen than self-root trees,therefore grafting can improve the resistance of Yatomi Rosa,and 5BB,Huajia No.8 have good performance especially.
Keywords/Search Tags:'Yatomi Rosa' grape, rootstock, selection
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