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Integrated System Of Production With Fine Wool Sheep In BoZhou

Posted on:2005-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ShaoFull Text:PDF
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Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture of Bortala is one of the most important fine-wool sheep bases in Xinjiang.Fine-wool sheep has been playing a leading role among the domestic animals of Bozhou for many years as its good quality,llowever,with the further development of market cconomy,there is fruquent fluctuation of price in fine wool.During this transition period,farmers and herders felt puzzled.They worked only influenced by the force of market.It Lead to deterionation of wool quality and decline of sheep industry.It can give hegative effect in the benefit of farmers and herders and sheep industry."Assuaring wool production and increasing mutton production ",raising income of farmers and herders,and forming a integrated system with wool arid mutton developing compatibly is the principle of local sheep industry.Concerning the trend of world sheep industrial market and china' s entrance of WTO,China government changed its policy.Under this circumstance,we want to establish a practical system of wool and mutton production fitted for local condition by making best use of local natural resources and other advantages.Its emphasis is:breed local fine-wool sheep with exported mutton ram to form a system with ewes producing wool and their hybids producing mutton.It can be proved by the experiment done by JinSai Company based-Bozhou and herders in BoLe city and Jinglle county that the quality of wool can be improved,the numbers of fine-wool sheep can he increased,and hybids' mutton production performanced well.In addition,there is a rise in economy effenciency of sheep industry.It is evident that this system is reasonable and practical.So it is promising for Bozhou to realize sustainable development,of local economy.At the same time,due to all sales of the first fatten hybids,it needs sheep managers to buy ewes from stock form and sheep raising bases.So it can give arise in the price of fine-wool sheep,In fact,in this system, not only is a rise of effenciency there in managers,but in the fine-wool sheep production bases and herders who raising fine-wool sheep as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:BoZhou, Fine-wool sheep, Integrated system
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