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The Effect Of Plant Variety Protection On Mazie Industry In China

Posted on:2012-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
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It has been over a decade from China joined UPOV on April 23,1999. PVP is a new but very important member in China IPR system. PVP exert its crucial effects on ensure Agricultural production and promote seeds industry development. In developed country, due to the progress on bio-technology,the IPR competition transfer to the realm of Agriculture. So that PVP strategy will become a new focus by more and more concern.Maize is one of the major crops in China, and also it is the most part in PVP examination. Therefore, the study on PVP system relevant to maize is becoming urgent. At present, we have some PVP researching reports in maize industry, but lots of the result are limited,we can say we lack of systematic and overall analysis regard to maize variety protection until now.Depends on author's work experience and according to method of literature searching; data statistic; questionary collection; this thesis contain:introduce evolution of PVP systems; introduce the positive influence from PVP combine with maize industry situation in China; analyzed disadvantage in current and challenge in future form double side by international and domestic; try to understand countermeasures to enhance PVP system in China.This thesis indicate that the implementing of PVP law has outstanding effect on encouraged breeder's initiative, protect the breeder's benefite and against infringement.But we have to face the challenge from international seed group and the pressure for excute UPOV 1991 act.In China, there still have a lot of work for us to do, such as extent propaganda, PVP legislation, supporting policy,enchance the law enforcement, and impove management level.At present, our maize variety is still fall behind with western countery on breeding and market competitive in China. However, we own enough potential to promote Chinese maiz industry.According to the reserching, this thesis expect to find out how to enhance maize PVP protection and obtain new apocalypse for establish a line of PBR defense under PVP system in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:PVP system, Maize, PBR strategy
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