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Professor Li Kai 's Experience In Treating Insomnia With Acupuncture And Traditional Chinese Medicine

Posted on:2015-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2134330467481009Subject:Integrative Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Purpose:To summarize professor Li Kai acupuncture and traditional Chinesemedicine combined with syndrome differentiation and treatment ofinsomniaexperience.Method: By observing the clinical instructor treatment of insomnia,tosummarize the clinical experience of tutor about insomnia etiology andpathogenesis,syndrome differentiation,acupuncture point selection rules,characteristics of drug prescription and clinical attention,combined withteaching experience,to explore the academic characteristics of mentors in thetreatment of insomnia.Conclusion: Through the analysis of the cause of disease of insomnia treatedby Professor Li Kai machine and clinical characteristics of insomnia, this isthe result of multiple factors,the treatment to achieve satisfactoryeffect,should not only adopt single treatment method,practice has proved thatthe combination of acupuncture and Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation,accurate,appropriate to give patients psychological counseling, severereasonable the use of sedative hypnotic drugs, patients with acquired in clinicalpractice often can achieve a multiplier effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, syndromedifferentiation, insomnia, experience
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