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Evaluation Of Ecotourism Resources In An Bang River Wetland Reserve Hei Long Jiang Province

Posted on:2007-11-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2133360185455585Subject:Conservation and Utilization of Wild Fauna and Flora
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
for strong enough spin-spin interaction, apparent deviation of the density distribution from the Fermi-like distribution. The present work also investigate the effect of the anisotropic spin-spin interaction on the ground state density distribution. It is found that for ferromagnetic spinor gas the phase separation appears.Then, we investigate the ground state of the system of N bosons enclosed in a hard-wall trap interacting via a repulsive or attractive S -function potential. Based on the Bethe ansatz method, the explicit ground state is got for the full physical regime from the Tonks limit to the strong attractive limit. In the Tonks limit the density profiles display the Fermi-like behavior, while in the strong attractive limit the Bosons form a bound state of N atoms corresponding to the N -string solution. The density profiles show the continuous crossover behavior in the entire regime. Further the correlation function indicates that the Bose atoms bunch closer as the interaction constant decreases.Finally, based on the exact solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for two-species BECs consisting of two hyperfine states of the atoms coupled by a tuned adiabatic and time-varying Raman coupling, we obtain analytically the entanglement dynamics of the system with various initial states, particularly the SU(2) coherent state, for both of cases with and without the nonlinear interactions. It is shown that the effect of nonlinear interaction on the entanglement appears only in a longer time period depending on the BEC parameters.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bose-Einstein condensates, tunnel splitting, spinor BEC, Tonks gas, entanglement
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