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Studies On Blooming Date Regulation Of Anthurium Scheranum

Posted on:2004-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2133360092495663Subject:Plant Nutrition
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Anthuriwn Scherzerianum is an evergreen perennial herb originated from South American. It is a very valuable ornamental plant introduced to China in recent years. Due to its long period of growth, most varieties usually need 9-12 months to bloom, the rapid production is seriously limited. Searching for effective method to regulate the blooming date ofAnthurium Scherzerianumm becomes more and more important in its production. Photoperiod and hormone are major factor in regulating the blooming date of plant. Light intensity can affect the photosynthesis and regulates the development of plant. Different shade densities were used to evaluate the effect of light density on Anthuriwn Scherzerianum. The results showed that shad treatment is necessary when cultivated in North China. Shade treatment can promot the flowering. Short-day inducement was also adopted to regulate the flowering ofAnthurium Scherzerianum, but in this experiment different short-day inducements showed little effect on flowering of Anthurium Scherzerianum, so probably it is not a photoperiod sensitivity plant. Hormones can regulate the flowering of Anthurium Scherzerianum when used in proper concentration. The best concentration range of hormones is different: Gibberellin in 100 mg/L; Kinetin in 50 mg/L, but has no practical value because it can make the Anthurium Scherzerianum bloom only one week earlier; mixture hormones is lOOmg/L.When sprayed in different growing time each hormone showed different effect on Anthurium Scherzerianum flowering. Spraying before differentiation of flower bud has the better effect. For the variety Arony, the best Spraying time is in the stage of four mature leaves.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anthurium scheranum, blooming date regulation, photoperiod, hormones
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