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Reconstruction Of Weiyi Street On The Traditional Culture Background

Posted on:2011-07-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360305967336Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the advent of global economy and information integration, and the mutual penetration of Chinese and Western Culture, resulting in the increasing convergence of Chinese local culture and the absence of urban characteristics, the city is often likened to concrete jungle because of the monotonic patterns, Traditional context has been divided in varying degrees.Xi'an, is the capital of 13 dynasties; Qujiang, is the melting pot of history and culture; Big Wild Goose Pagoda, is the great cultural heritage of China. Tang Tai Jionji and the five runis parks of Qujiang can be called the landmarks buildings of Xi'an. The urban architectural design in this historical and cultural area needs to uphold the tradition of architectural culture, to maintain the consistency of architectural style, to complement the integrity of the functions; there is a necessary to set off the center status of Big Wild Goose Pagoda through other ordinary buildings and folkway constructions. Folkway constructions are the buildings which people use every day, including commercial, residential and so on.The design of commercial buildings, especially the integration of commercial and local culture, has demonstrated its own unique charm in this pluralistic society representation. The formation of a good business climate will pay particular attention to the word of "gather", a separate business not pose a real business, only commercial aggregation in a scalable business model will attract more consumption and investmentIn this paper, the Weiyi reconstruction project were analyzed; the regional issues of the design characteristics of the traditional commercial street in the Greater Wild Goose Pagoda area were investigated; the ideas and means to link up the tradition with modern were summarized, including how to control the construction scale, space, layout; the design concepts of modern commercial street reconstruction need to inherit the tradition were discussed. The thesis focus on emphasizing the cultural characteristics of urban architecture, aimed at exploring how to shape the traditional geographic characteristics, called for the inheritance of tradition historical heritage. Design excellent construction with similar spirit has become a priority of architectural design and research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traditional culture, Commercial street design, Reconstruction of Weiyi street
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