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Investigation On Object-and-demand Landscape Programming Of Residential District

Posted on:2009-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360272471089Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On the basis of the investigations related to architecture programming and real estate programming, the paper tries to clarify the concept of "landscape programming" and emphasizes its importance by integrating the characteristics of subject Landscape Architecture with the former studies. Through analyzing the practice of landscape design in "Zhong Jian Kang Cheng" Project, the author studies the methods of landscape programming in resiential district and intends to find out its technical course for sake of supplying a tentative theory and method for designers of related fields.In investigation, the author adopts both lateral contrast (the comparisons between architecture programming, real estate programming and landscape programming) and vertical exploration (the exploration of Landscape Architecture's development and its system). By reading comprehensive theories linked with programming, landscape design and thinking methodology, the author keeps track of the latest developments in related researches and finds out existing problems and corresponding solutions.The paper pays attention to the importance of landscape programming and provide a method for it, namely, object-and-demand landscape programming. The author holds that only when administrative departments, companies and landscape architects all value programming, can the quality of landscape design go on improving. In additon, educational system should also bring landscape programing into the system of Landscape Architecture.The paper is divided into 4 parts. The first part gives the definitions of some related concepts and analyzes their differences and connections. In the second part, the author lay importance on the analysis of the object-and-demand landscape programming in residential district after introducing the methodologies of design programming, architecture programming and real estate programming. The third part is case study. Through analyzing the landscape programming of "Zhong Jian Kang Cheng" Project, the object-and-demand landscape programming gets further clarified and explained. The last part reaches the conclusion and looks farther forward to the future developments of landscape programming.
Keywords/Search Tags:landscape programming, methodology, residential district, object-and-demand, design
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