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The Research On The Design Theory Of MVRDV And The Analyse Of Their Works

Posted on:2008-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360245991582Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
MVRDV is one of the most successful architecture teams in the international architecture circle, whose members are all come from Holland. The geography environment,humanity and social system of Holland exert a subtle influence on the architectural thoughts of MVRDV. Moreover, being the member of Rem Koolhas'family, MVRDV inherit his idea and develop it.MVRDV attach great importance to the research work. Research accounts for large proportion in their work. Their research work has the characteristic of Utopia and multi-science. Datascape is the special research method of MVRDV, which basis on the statistical data and form images by software packages and computers. The method is precise and pragmatic, which become the powerful weapon to overcome the complexity in the architecture design and urban planning.The theory of hypothesis-world embodies the unitary idea and the substantial idea of the research work of MVRDV. The research work on the problem of density form the theory of the 3D city KM3. The works of MVRDV deepen the idea of the theory of KM3, which intend to express abstract connotation by ordinary material. Their process of design is logical and rational.MVRDV have completed several projects in China. They have unique opinion on the urbanization and the reality of the architecture design in China. Their ideas give Chinese architects valuable reflection and enlightenment.
Keywords/Search Tags:density, Holland, Utopia, Datascape, the 3D city, hypothesis-world
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