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Kunming Form Of Peri-urban Villages Study

Posted on:2009-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J G ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360245956114Subject:Urban planning and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cities surrounding villages, as residents of villages in the growth of household income, the village building has been rapid growth, due to the influence of various factors make changes in the development patterns villages in the direction of diversification, and also the problems faced by many. From the villages shape the issues that have emerged in the development, analysis of the underlying causes of the problem, how to shape the development of villages and how development is sustained and healthy development of the villages must be resolved in a realistic issue.The full text is divided into five chapters (Thesis Research Framework):Chapter I Introduction, the paper introduced the background to the study, study, as well as the construction of the status quo abroad villages form.Chapter II of the basic concepts and theories related to the interpretation of each on the form and villages to study the related theories, and papers related to the definition of the concept.Chapter III of Kunming city analytic form of a neighboring village, features, typical villages selected as a case, the shape of the problem.Chapter IV on the basis of the first few chapters of the characteristics of changes in the pattern of villages, and these changes emerging issues summarized.Chapter V shape on the village planning and design theory of, and make appropriate form of development proposals in the villages.Through the above content and summarized the study and understanding of feelings, but careful analysis of the shortcomings of this study, with a view to future study in the life of this village on the basis of reasonable shape to have a better understanding and research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kunming peripheral, Villages form, Create
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