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The Expression Research Of Metal As Architecture Skins

Posted on:2009-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S T LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360242475835Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the technology about metals, the materials of metal provides architects with a broad range of possibilities in terms of both structure and formal design. Nowadays architecture theory pay more attention about materials and skins of architecture, and then metals begin to be used as architecture skins frequently under the background of it. It can be very helpful to study the expression of metals as architecture skins and analyse the characteristics of metal skins.The article focuses on details expression and mix-expression to analyse metal skins' expression with a number of architecture projects. It has five parts. The first part includes the background,meaning, the object and methods of research,and the frame of the paper. In the second part, author introduces the history of metals and the use of it in architecture. Then the third part is about characteristics , attributes and technology of metals. The fourth part is the core of this article. In this part, author analyse the details expression of metal skins from their colour, shapes, textile and connection of materials, the technology of corner and ending in metal skins, and then the mix-expression of metal skins from the mix of different colour, shapes, textile and the combination of metal skins with sunset and environment, and at last in this part author analyse how to make the expression of metal skins come true with different technology. The Chapter 5 reviews the conclusions,reiterating the meaning of the research to the modern architecture design as well as the summary of the article.
Keywords/Search Tags:Architecture Surface(Skin), Expression, Details, Components
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