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The Research Of Feasible Architectural Strategy And Method

Posted on:2008-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360218455342Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 21 century, China is in high speed developmental time. The development of economy brings construction flourish. At the same time, it appears the incline of blindfold pursue in architecture design, which is fancy architecture form, and slap-up architecture material. Actually, our country is a behindhand and developing country. Our architecture technique is low. Thereby, I hope to set up a system of feasible architectural strategy and explore a developing road of architecture which accords economic praxis in our country in the thesis.The thesis is separated into seven chapters:The first chapter is exordium. In this part I bring forward the disquisitive intention, meaning and innovation of the thesis. Besides, I set forth the course, measure and actuality of this study.In the second chapter I explain the concept, basal principle and scientific meaning of the feasible technique, and retrospect correlative theory and practice of some domestic and overseas architects and the rural ecological architecture practice in Lankao that I have join in.Based upon the foregoing research I probe into the hypostasis of architecture, bring forward the concept of the feasible architectural strategy, then expound concrete meaning of the concept in the fourth chapter.In the forth chapter I illustrate the design of the house in Huabei plain area, probe into the value of the feasible architectural strategy in practice. At First, I analyse the natural and social surroundings of Huabei plain area. Secondly, I research and analyse the actuality of the house in the area. Finally, I put forward a series of architectural strategies and methods in point in this area by using the method of architectural strategy.In the fifth chapter I contrapose the idiographic condition of a certain plot in Huabei plan, use the theory of feasible architectural strategy and the pre-chapter disquisitive result to construct architecture model in order to validate the feasibility of the notion.Finally, I sum up the value of feasible architectural strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:feasible architectural strategy, zoology, Sustainable, Huabei plain
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