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From Brown To Green Industrial Civilization

Posted on:2008-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360218454514Subject:Garden Plants and Ornamental Horticulture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with socio-economic development and to accelerate the process of urbanization,Countries in the world economic structure has undergone tremendous adjustment,Traditional industries began to gradually decline, Attendant in the city which has leftmany industrial wasteland. These industrial wasteland is the ecological environment hasbeen severely damaged ecosystems, to the city brought about a series of environmentalproblems, Based on these environmental issues of common concern, in the eyes of peoplebegan to transform abandoned industrial re-use issues, Through the Wasteland forrenovation and ecological restoration, to obtain updates regeneration of the landscaperesources and the ecological environment, venues while retaining the continuity ofhistorical context, has given rise to many areas of concern to scholars. The industrialwasteland into a landscape of contemporary academic research focus and one of the hotspots, in the face of abandoned urban industrial sites. Landscape designer a long way to go.While retaining venues historical context of continuity, Explore in the current era of specialvalue. It has drawn a large number of areas of concern to scholars. Industrial Wasteland tothe historical transformation is not only the inevitable outcome. Urban development is theobjective requirements. Faced with abandoned urban industrial sites, Landscape designer'stask is not only to design and create a new landscape, More importantly, the landscape isupdated and re-use.This paper first industrial lots, theme parks, industrial landscape design updates termconceptual analysis, definition and characteristics summaryIn this industry based on this new theme park concept. Then, through the combination ofthe literature survey outstanding examples at home and abroad as the abandoned urbanindustrial landscape design of the regeneration of the background, Civilization andexploration process, In this system on the basis of summarizing the industrial landscapedesign embraced by the rich ecological system theory and design of renewable landscapedesign The ecological restoration methods and principles。The final choice isrepresentative and operational paper mill in Yibin city abandoned to study. By using the artdesign practices on the abandoned industrial plant regeneration of landscape design, Ecological way to restore soil improyement, Vegetation reconstruction and theestablishment of artificial wetlands and purification system to the construction ofecological water features; From the perspective of the humanities building new behaviorvalues, Code of Conduct and life hot to the completion of the regeneration of disuseddesign of the study, The project application of ecological systems, analytical thinking, Ofthe post-industrial landscape design and regeneration techniques for integration, Initialexploration, and sorted out into the category of abandoned mills to the ecological systemtheory and design of renewable landscape design the basic technical framework. This is notonly post-industrial landscape design of the continuous practice and innovation also for thepaper industry industrial wasteland of the ecological design of the technical informationand guidance. Industrial theme park in Yibin building, Not only can be abandoned papermill in Yibin to degradation of the ecosystems that some degree of recovery, Yibin city toimprove the ecological environment, And the industrial theme park special form andcontent Park can enrich the urban landscape types, Reproduction of glorious history andvicissitudes of life.
Keywords/Search Tags:industrialwastelands, paper-made factory renewaldesign, Ecological Theory
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