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Sculpture In Architecture

Posted on:2004-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The paper discusses the relationship between sculpture and architecture in history . The point of view is through the change and development of the position and set of sculpture in architecture. Starting from the original architecture and sculpture, through the ancient Egypt, the ancient Greece, the ancient Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Baroque period, sculpture came out of the shadow of architecture in different architectural period. Since the Cubic period, the appearance of abstract sculpture and the convergence of modern architectural styles had resulted in the comparative independence of their positional relationship, which in turn promoted the match between sculpture and architecture in the bigger environment. In the post-modern period, some sculpture appeared on architecture in the form of decoration. And in the deconstruction period, the architectural individualization has actually mixed it up with sculpture in form. The paper discusses the relationship between sculpture and architecture from various angles. Many concrete cases are compared between the ancient and contemporary times, and between the Chinese and Western cultures. It shows that the evolution of the relationship didn't simply realize in form. In contrast, the complicated inner drives are more valuable.In the long developing history of architecture and sculpture, the style changes has divided history into three phases. The first one is the classical period, in which handcraft work imitated nature. A kind of narrative realistic art came into being which at the same time didn't forget idealization. The art was under control of religious theology , and the esthetics is in the hand of a few nobles. The humanity awareness came into being only through the fight against religious theology.The second phase is the mechanic modernism where focus was on abstract form. Socialization of production had greatly increased, and people emphasized efficiency. From the end of the 19th century to the early 20th century, the capitalist social system had developed from free competition to monopoly. Production technology, class structure, social management, scientific organizations and the mass psychology have all undergone great changes. The modernized science and technology in the monopoly capitalism hadresulted in the dehumanization, objectization, collectizationof the individuals. The opposition between the society and the individual had greatly deepened. People began to realized the loss of individuality caused by the efficiency under big mechanization. When they started to feel the loss of 'self existence1, they began to seriously consider their own existence. The modern industry civilization aimed to conquer and change society, characterized by its practicability and technology.The third phase is the present day digital information period.The mass ideology determines artistic expression. Hi-tech production tool simplifies the operation. Science has turned its back to the question of the essence of man and the world, but concentrates on practical test and operation. The modern industry civilization has infiltrated into every corner of the world. Man's emotion, imagination, intuition and inspiration are greatly oppressed. The natural ability to feel is regressing and people are losing their ultimate value and goal. The humanity awareness and spirit have become much concerned subjects today . The esthetic change drenched in various periods have been affecting the esthetic change of architecture and sculpture.The conclusion points out that the digital hi-tech is only an efficient tool. But computer will not replace the human mind. While the information era has brought about convenience to the human life, it has suffocated the artistic creativity at the same time. The paper calls for the coordination between speed and quality, and more emphasis on the human essence under the conflict between scientific progress and the humanity (man's meditation of his own existence, the understanding and grasp of value, living meaning and l...
Keywords/Search Tags:Architecture
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