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Research On Ideas And Methods Of Culture Pillar Design In Urban Public Space

Posted on:2012-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132330338998701Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Chinese metropolitan sculpture has been developing for more than 30 yearssince 1980s. Withthe fast expansion of urbanization, the cityconstruction also enteredaperiodofrapiddevelopment.Inordertoimprovetheirtastes,setuptheirimages,andsatisfy people's growing spiritual and cutural needs, the cities are paying moreattention to the inheritance, demonstration, propaganda and enhancement of their cityculture after fulfilling the basic functional demands in the development andconstruction of urban public space. As one important component of metropolitansculpture, culture pillars which are playing an irreplaceable role on the above aspectsare valued by city builders and are developing swiftly. For various reasons, manyproblems occur in the process of culture pillar design, fabrication and application ofculture,etc.Hence,with the combination of various cultural elements such as historicalculture, regional culture, traditional culture, city culture and theme culture, and bycomparing and analysing the features of Chinese and foreign culture pillars, this thesisis ananalytical studyof culturepillardesign from theaspects ofsubject selection,wayofartisticexpression,measurementrelation,materialapplicationandfunction,withthecombination of concrete cases, in the hope that it may contribute to culture pillardesigninurbanpublicspace.
Keywords/Search Tags:culturepillar, urbanpublicspace, culture
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