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A Research On Health-Oriented Landscape Design For Urban Waterfront

Posted on:2011-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R H YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132330338489675Subject:Urban planning and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today, urbanization is making our city's life worse than before. Living in the modern metropolis, people's health is threatened. Throughout the history of urban development, most cities in the world are close to waters, and waterfront is always regarded as the most valuable district in whole city. According to the research, the environment of waterfront has a significantly improving influence on people's physical and psychological health. As a result, it is worth to explore the design of landscape in waterfront based on the health-oriented conception and to stimulate the healthy function of waterfront.Taking urban waterfront as object, this dissertation makes research on the base of people's healthy activity. Since there is few theories research on the design of landscape in waterfront based on the health-oriented conception, the innovation of this article aims on improving human health by landscape in waterfront. The precondition of the proposition is to make clear the relationship between urban waterfront and people's health and to find out a bridge between each other. This thesis explores the healthy standard in modern society and explains the relationship between urban waterfront and people's health. To make the improving influence become effective, people should be in waterfront before. Thus, the paper tries to construct people's attraction to landscape of waterfront; collects three principles of attraction and gets the conclusion that design leads the health. The actions in waterfront are rich and varied. According to its own character, waterfront has put the action into two categories---ornamental type and participative type. Landscape design can realize different action's needs in the aspect of space. And it concludes six consisting pillars of corresponding landscape. Meanwhile, it analyzes and transforms various successful theoretical resources at home and abroad, explains the 6 building strategies which including urban structure, shoreline interface, transport system, waterfront image, public space, and mixed-function. Learning from urban plan, medical science, landscape ecology and other subjects, this thesis was launched describing from resourcing, conclusion, case analysis and comparison, which could be a reference for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban waterfront, health activity, landscape design
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