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Studys On Aesthetics Morphology Of The Inhabitant Of Yilin Area Of Yichang Three Gorges

Posted on:2011-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132330338475575Subject:Cultural Heritage Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rapid development of urban modernization is inextricably linked to the impact of traditional houses to resolve the contradiction between today we need to think and study an important issue. High-rise buildings springing up like pouring, roads extending in all directions to break the traditional houses the plot of a quiet, both in urban and rural areas in the new building, you can see most of the architectural style of the unity of like chunks of tofu. Traditional dwellings from building construction, materials, shape, aesthetic form which has many ancestors passed down a valuable asset, such as how the site before the construction of housing that is guaranteed to have a good living environment but also ensures that residents have a good quality of life, in the Housing, construction and materials, how to put on the shock, how to have good lighting, how to reconcile the people to live a comfortable indoor temperature in the housing form on how to achieve harmony with the environment, how to meet the requirements of social hierarchy at that time have a certain degree of stress This is a summary of our ancestors for thousands of years of experience and knowledge and cultural content, worthy of future generations to learn. These traditional houses not just in kind is more important is the impact of thinking and the culture is lost, this is a start from the perspective of architectural culture, the architecture and culture to explore the knot through the construction of subsidiary entities, the above cultural connotations. As the article written by the three residential buildings in which the edge of the intersection region, north-south convergence zone, an endless supply of immigrants, making a rich traditional culture and folk customs here, and long-term development of a unique regional style, also has a residence here a strong regional characteristics. Therefore, to clarify various aspects of local residential areas and help to explore its own unique folk traditional culture. I want to Yichang Yiling Liu old houses of the study area, analysis summarized the role of architectural culture of reference theories and information.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yilin area of Yichang Three Gorges, aesthetics morphology, inhabitant Culture space, culture of verge area
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