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Analysis Of Use Of The Idea Of Humanity In Zhengdong Village's Traditional Houses And The Development

Posted on:2012-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132330335482185Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Traditional houses in the development of thousands of years create a variety of pleasant living environment in much different technique, considering the ecological concept of simple to adapt to the nature. These houses which create rich psychological effects and extraordinary aesthetic conception with the combination of nature, climate and local conditions reflect the idea of dweller-friendly using in simple buildings design. With the rapid development of economy, culture also changes significantly quickly. People are no longer satisfied with living on a general concept, but focus more on human caring in the new houses. How traditional houses, under the new circumstance, continue the excellent tradition and absorb the new design concept, is a question worthy of further exploration.This paper studies Zhengdong Village's traditional houses of Tai on the basis of theoretical research on environmental behavior, environmental psychology and folklore, etc., discusses the relation of the unique geographical environment, natural factors and good construction space, which forms the Zhengdong Village's traditional houses of Tai, and it comes to the conclusion that at different times people have different interpretations of the concept of human nature. Based on the investigation and research on Zhengdong Village of Tai, the author makes a concise exposition on the current residential development and practice. Through the analysis of the puzzles, contradictions and some possible phenomena that may appear during Zhengdong Village is developing in the process of modernization, the author believes that the idea of humanity is reflected in all aspects of residential design. The knowledge and deep understanding of the idea of humanity is the core of the residential development, and the pursuit of dweller-friendly design is today's residential housing design trends. It hopes that through this paper, people will have a new understanding and awareness of the houses of Tai, and helps to promote the development of traditional houses with the idea of humanity. Through objective analysis and comprehensive consideration, ultimately, human, houses and environment can make a harmonious and sustainable development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhengdong Village of Tai, traditional houses, humanity design
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