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The Study Of Tile-cat's Plastic Arts

Posted on:2010-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F QianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132330332977743Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the Chinese historic building eave angle is frequently arranging the number different animals, like the dragon, the phoenix, the fish and so on, as decoration, these beast on the beautiful eaves is consummate amalgamate folk custom decoration characteristics with Chinese building., become one of the characteristic building decoration. YunNan which located in the border of the china, also has a variety of ancient and seemingly strange guard beast. Tile-cat as a unique guard beast in YunNan, its meaning and function is drive away evils,is as the same as the other guard beast used in YunNan,,the difference is that the characteristics of the plastic arts of tile-cat. The first purpose to make tile-cat was to care house in order to deter demons, but the tile-cat's unique style gradually attracted people's eyes, and eventually stepped down from the roof, as a handicraft become popular.Tile-cat's is unique in YunNan and use widespread and is the most characteristics guard beast. Not only it is containing the folk custom culture, simultaneously in creation process, also deeply integrated the national collective esthetic consciousness and the plastic arts technique, in the historical development process, gradually formed different place, different people and different art technique due to geographical characteristics of the tile-cat image, Created a rich type of tile-cat's shapes. This article chooses the KunMing typical tile-cat, HeQing typical tile-cat, ChuXiong typical tile-cat from the culture, the production process and creative approach to study the plastic arts.Tile-cat is a product of folk culture, and closely connected with people's lives, in order to obtain first-hand research, the author has been to use tile-cat's areas do research, visit the craft people, records manufacturing process and the custom. Combining the information togather, study the history and the distribution rang of the tile-cat, educe that tile-cat most likely from the middle part of China from the following aspects:(1) A legend cat drive away evil, go round in the middle part of China was similar with the tile-cat (2) the spread of Han culture and the use of tile-cat region are sameness. (3) the Bagua map and found stones brands on the tile-cat are the symbol of Chinese culture.Then study on the tile-cat's cultural connotation. Educe that as a folk products, tile-cat whether in performance or in the structure, showing a close connection with its folk culture. On the basis study of the three tile-cats plastic arts. I summarized the general rules of the tile-cat's plastic:(1) Top-heavy body-little, the shape exaggerated deformed;(2)Use the face type, highlight the facial shape, mark ferocious tile-cat, and strong the performance meaning of tile-cats eat evil with it big mouth and swallowd money for it's master;(3) Use the geometric decorative way to emphasis tile-cat's face and body limbs. Use the rich and unique folk symbol which have divine power into tile-cat shapes, in order to enhance the divine power of tile-cat;(4) A part of tile-cat belong to composite image, which use the integrated method added illusory nature of the tile-cat;(5) The tile-cat's shape has the animal's modeling elements.(6) The folk culture is the potential law of the shape of tile-cat.Although the law can not cover all of tile-cat but has a certain degree universality.Finally, the author advanced a idea about the tile-cat's development. To build the tile-cat village can retain the original flavor of folk art, while appropriate for the development of the tile-cat, use new elements to make tile-cat, so that tile-cat can true "living" down. And use the design theory, designed packaging and brochures, and try to design a tile-cat alarm clock which combining the tile-cat's model with modern elements. Definitely look forward to play a role.
Keywords/Search Tags:YunNan tile-cat, Manufacture craft, Plastic arts, Esthetic idea, Cultural connotatio
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