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Research On The Improvement Of Sewage Charge System In China

Posted on:2012-07-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2131330338998654Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In dealing with environmental issues, every country would choose to combine theeconomic with legal and administrative measures, and there is no exception in China.As this comprehensive method, the sewage charge system is the earliest establishedsystems in the field of environmental management system in our country. And duringthe implementation of 30 years, the system has played a great role in pollutionprevention, energy conservation and environmental regulation, and slowed thedeteriorationoftheenvironmenttoalargeextent.While,withtheincreasingcomplexityof environmental issues, there are many problems exposed in the operation of thissystemwhichneedtoimprove.This essay outlines the contents characteristics and the nature of sewage charge ofthissystem,presentsthetheoreticalbasisfromtheaspectofeconomicsandlegaltheory.the exposed problems which concludes: 1) the aspect of legislative idea that focuseslittle on the application of induction mechanism in the system and lacks offorward-looking in the course of choosing sewage charging developing model; 2) theaspect of legal system where the"Environmental Protection Law"lags behind andconflict with other single-line environmental laws; 3) the aspect of charging standardswherethefeesarerelativelylow,orcannotbeusedregularly,etc.Onthebasisofaboveresearch of those problems, I propose the following improvement suggestions: 1)establishing the correct legislative concepts, specifically starting on the application ofinduction mechanism and the exploration of"tax reform"; 2) further improving ourcountry's legal system in the sewage charge system, for example, revising "Environmental Protection Law"while keeping with the times; 3) scientificallyestablishing reasonable charging standards to solve the defects in the specific operationof the sewage charge system. Hoping to benefit for sewage charge system in China ofpracticaloperationandsystemitself.
Keywords/Search Tags:sewagechargesystem, taxreform, inductionmechanism, improvement
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