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Reviewing The Thomas Berry's Ideas

Posted on:2012-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2131330332493177Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Thomas Berry's idea was a great revolution of human thoughts in human history. Accord to Berry's idea of "Ecozoic Era", the human's location needs to be redefined. A lot of concepts have been created in people's modern industrial civilization, and now must be changed fundamentally.Berry provided Ecozoic ideas in explaining and researching universe review. Traditional wisdom considers "universe" as resources to meet human material desires, and thus it leads to the ecological crisis, In order to overcome the crisis we needs to re-experience the meaning of universe origin. The meaning of universe origin is the living home together with human and other organism. Before Modern times, human beings were in a natural status. The meaning of universe origin was found in different warship way. After Modern times, human beings have been living by technology step by step, and are far away from nature more and more, with different views about the meaning of universe origin. Human beings forgot the natural relationship with them even more. Thomas Berry told us his experience that people should recognize their own natural relationship with the universe.In the following two books, "The Universe Story" and "The Dream of The Earth ", professor Berry show the human position in the universe from his unique perspective. First, the origin of the universe and the Earth were described on the base of science, then described the process of appearance about humans and other creatures. Especially human's performance after the industrial revolution, Berry held a negative attitude, and criticized and attacked mercilessly on human acts that are not suitable for human development in future, through the existing culture, technology, universities, law, morality and so on multiple levels.In the "The Great work:Our way Into The Future" for our new era, Berry called it "the post industrial civilization". He asked us to take responsibility and supplied reliable basis on the Earth and even the survival of the entire universe through human technology base.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thomas Berry, The Ecozoic era, The Universe Story, The Dream of the Earth, The Great Work
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