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Research On The Application Of Task Analysis In Chemical Equilibrium Teaching

Posted on:2011-08-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2131330332480965Subject:Chemistry curriculum and teaching theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Task analysis originated in World Warâ…¡, it can divided difficult problems into simple steps; make complex issues simple. It can improve the majority of students' learning and play an active role in change the backward situation of the students chemical balance is one of the core chemistry principles in high school,it is also the focus of high school chemistry learning. Chemical equilibrium contains more knowledge point. It is difficult, so many students created a wrong concept, but now the new curriculum has a very important concept which is to let every student can experience success. To make more students experience the joyness of success, teachers are required to make some changes in teahing.This paper put the task analysis in chemical equilibrium teaching, based on the research of the task analysis method and the chemical balance of teaching. The author carried out the following study:Firstly, The students' concept of chemical equilibrium before the test can reveals the chemical balance of the teaching situation is not satisfactory, and judge the two classes selected are parallel classes.Secondly, Through analysing teaching strategies, teaching objectives, teaching content and teaching process of the chemical balance, then design a chemical equilibrium analysis teaching plans and carried out compared experiment.Thirdly, achievement test, through analyse and comparen achievement test results of the two classes, the conclusion is task analysis will help improve student mastery of the knowledge of the chemical balance.This study attempts to find a practical and effective teaching methods to make the teaching of chemical equilibrium be in line with the teaching and learning law more.
Keywords/Search Tags:task analysis, teaching strategies, teaching, chemical equilibrium
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