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Research Of "Synaesthesia" In Furniture Design

Posted on:2010-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J TaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360278975351Subject:Industrial design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays it has a rapid development in both economy and technology. The emerging types of product are more and more, and the competition between products is harder and harder.,so how to make the products more attractive? This is one of the tasks of the design. According to the idiomatic method of design, the visual design is the most effective and frequently-used way. A good look can bring the product more value. However, the focus of design which is always on vision will create the phenomenon of "homogenization ", make the customer feel tired in aesthetic. The worse result is which would cause the visual pollution. Such an outcome often can't make the product come out, on the contrary, may let the design buried in many similar products.The goods which the consumers want to buy are not only given people just unilateral sensory stimulation, but also multi-sensory stimulation and stimulation of psychological aspects. So that consumers can get more information of products, and achieve the purpose of communicating with products. The products which can take the consumer attention often are those goods which meet both physical and psychological needs. At this time, "synaesthesia" will play a very important role. We can use the phenomenon of "synaesthesia" into design, so that can arouse the senses and psychological feelings of consumers, and meet the needs of personal need and the spirit of joy. This is the motivation that why we want to study the phenomenon of "synaesthesia" used in design. This point will also be discussed.Furniture is the product closest to human life. The physical and immaterial require that consumer want is quite high. So bringing "synaesthesia" into furniture design and studying the method are very feasible.
Keywords/Search Tags:synaesthesia, furniture design, design in five senses, emotional design
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