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Investigations Of Key Issues For Electric Tool Product Development Based On Web Technology

Posted on:2010-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360275958691Subject:Mechanical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Currently, most of electric tools manufactured in China are made for global customers. Many export-oriented enterprises are not just the factories or workshops of external buyer, but partners taking parts in the development of new products. However, the design methods and management system employed by local electric tool manufacturers are not comparable with the overseas counterparts.The objective of this thesis is to introduce a new design method for the development of electric tool products. Based on the Web technology, the paper mainly focuses on the collection of electric tools design information, such as function information and color selection, modularization design and serialization, visual assembly planning and the product data version management techniques. The key issues concerned with electric tool product design are proposed in this study, which includes products feature parameterization, version management and visual assembly system technologies. The main contents and contribution are as follows:1) The design information obtaining of the electric tool productsAiming at the need model of the electric tool products, the paper performs the need analysis of electric tool's function and the methods to obtain its configuration information are studied. Furthermore, some technologies related with CBR (Case-base-reasoning), such as the CBR principles, case description and arrangement, indexing and fitting, reusing, modification and maintenance are introduced. Based on these methods, the electric tool product development model is established based on the Cult3D technology to achieve its design system.2) Serialization and modularization design platform for the electric tool products developmentThis study introduces some interesting thing concerned with the serialization and modularization design platform for the electric tool product development. First of all, the basic laws and its methods of product modularization are discussed, which is very important for the whole system. Then, the procedure, characteristics and classification methods of serialization for electric tool product development are analyzed in detail. The style and color choosing of electric tool product are investigated. Finally, the continual development of electric tools is discussed.3) The development of visual assembly system for electric tool designIn this paper, we mainly focus on the issues of the electric tool visual assembly system. 3-D visual modeling methods based on Web technology are analyzed and the VRML (Visual Reality Modeling Language) which is used in Web visual assembly is studied. Based on VRML and taking the design of some big type of electric tool as example, the VRML procedure is introduced in detail. Moreover, the assembly relation is decided and the double side visual assembly can be realized.4) Web based product collaborative conceptual design system(WCCDS) for electric tool developmentIn this paper, WCCDS for electric tool development is introduced. The characteristics of WCCDS and the configuration are discussed. Furthermore, the system key technology is investigated. At last, the version management method is proposed for electric tool product collaborative development to eliminate the disordered in its data management.This investigation will do some good to help transform the design model from conventional style to specialization and large scale model. It will give some technique support to local electric tool manufacturer to help them establish their own brand. Eventually, it will be very meaningful to promote our country to become a great power in electric tool exporter from a large quantity one.
Keywords/Search Tags:electric tools, product development, collaborate design, visual assembly, version management
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