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The Ecological Consciousness In The Tibetan Epic Gesar

Posted on:2006-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Z M DuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360242956474Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tibetan epic " Gesar " is an oral folk literature, it reprents the wisdom of Tibetan people. It is an alive epic which has spreaded from ancient times till today. It has an eternal life and becomes the spiritual wealth of the whole Chinese civilization. In the epic Gesar, people live a life of changing living place with the grass and water condition, so that people's life can not break away from the high-lands ecology system. The fear of the mysterious natural phenomena begged for the favour of the nature, the ecology is protested by the nature of gods.This paper is devided into four parts. In the first part "the essential of the ecology consciousness", the writer defines the ecological consciousness by the consciousness, ecology and the ecology of the Qinghai-Tibetan highland and the relation between men and the nature, introduced the relation between the epic Gesar and the ecology. The second part "the worship of the nature and totem" reflects the ecology consciousness. The writer starts from the view of the nature, the view of totem, discusses "co-existance" and the "entrusting of the soul" ecology consciousness. The third part is mainly about the ecology consciousness which reflect from the labouring and burial custom in the epic Gesar. The writer started from the hunting, farming and animal husbandry, analyzes the simple environment consciousness in the mode of production, to abide by the natural law, to protect the natural resources and refuse the behaviou as against the time the place. The fourth part analizes the historical source and the realistic meaning of the ecology consciousness in the epic Gesar. Answered the question of "what is the historical sources of the ecoloy conscious forming?"...
Keywords/Search Tags:epic, ecology, consciousness, co-existance, harmonization, balance
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