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The Research About Mercuric Rule Of Distribution And Accumulation In The Organs Of Myrica Nana

Posted on:2007-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360185950163Subject:Environmental Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nayong County of Guizhou Province possesses abundant resources of ore. Mining and smelting for metal are very popular. The Nayong County's environment was damaged and polluted severely by those activities. In order to recover the ecological environment, two areas were selected as research fields for testing cleanup methods in this thesis. One area is an area of local technical smelting of zinc and another area within Nayong County was not influenced by human action. A local plant -- Myrica nana was selected as the research target。According to the rule of sitting point random and sampling equably, collecting the samples of soil and plant respectively to test the content of mercury, arsenic and cadmium in soil and the content of mercury in Myrica nana organs as well by the instrument of double tunnel atomic fluorescence and flame graphite after digested. In addition, the pH of the soil was tested too. All of these works were done to research the rule of mercuric distribution and accumulation in Myrica nana organs, establish a baseline rule as a base to discuss the phytoremediation of Myrica nana for soil mercury. After that, a suggestion for the integrative exploitation of Myrica nana is given.The main results were shown as following:1) The soil pH of research area is in the range of 4-6;2) The average content of arsenic, mercury and cadmium in a natural field are 0.4784,0.7106,20.3377 In the local technical smelting zinc field results were 11.6346,4.8781,4.4347 The content of former three heavy metals...
Keywords/Search Tags:Mercury, Myrica nana, organ, distribution, accumulation, rule, Nayong County
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