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The Change Of The Ecological Environment Of Songshan Region During Ming & Qing Dynasties

Posted on:2011-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121330332458668Subject:History of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper investigates the ecological environment changes of Songshan region based on the ecological environment that led to the changes and analyzes the causes during Ming and Qing dynasty. Songshan region is the place where the ecological environment changes because of the climate, water resources, forest resources, land resources and biological resources and other factors, which is mainly analyzed in this paper. Besides, the human factor to the environmental changes in Songshan region in the other main reason. The growth of population and the high demand for natural resources led to the serious deforestation. The increasing demand for firewood of the official buildings and people's daily life which lead to the excessive and indiscriminate felling of the phenomenon, especially the war consumption was also harmful to the forest and other resources. This all deteriorated the ecological environment during Ming and Qing period. The lasting deterioratation of ecological environment had taken tremendous effect on human society, economy, politics and culture.Songshan region is the cradle of Chinese civilization, but now due to the economic development, the ecological environment has been damaged. In this paper, combining with the ecological environment changed during Ming and Qing Dynasty, the development of the economy enhancing the ecological environmental restoration and protection is proposed. The harmonious development of human beings with the nature, meeting the needs of conditions, sustainable development and modernization is the best way to a moderately prosperous society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Comprehend Ming and Qing period, Songshan region, ecological environment
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