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Genetic Diversity Of Mitten Crab Populations In Mainland Of China Revealed By Inter-simple Sequence Repeats(ISSR)

Posted on:2007-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ZhengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chapter 1: Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat and its ApplicationThis review introduced principles, methods, characteristics and applications of a DNA marker, inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR), which is a very useful system for efficient retrieval and analysis of genetic information. The ISSR technique tests fast and screens so many polymorphisms in an assay. The advantages of ISSR should make this marker system used widely in the genetic research.Chapter 2: Optimization of ISSR-PCR Reaction System andCondition for Mitten CrabThe influence of DNA concentration, Mg2+ concentration, primers concentration, dNTP concentration and annealing temperature on the result of ISSR-PCR amplification was analyzed using the materials of mitten crab DNA. Eight primers, which produced stable, clear and rich polymorphism bands, were screened. The optimum reaction system of ISSR-PCR and PCR amplification condition were established for mitten crab. The optimum reaction system and condition of ISSR experiment was basis for the study on genetic diversity of Mitten crab populations.Chapter3: Genetic diversity of 7 Mitten Crab Populations inMainland of China revealed by inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR)Inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) polymorphism was used in order to investigate the genetic diversity and the genetic divergence of 7 Eriocheir japonicus and Eriocheir sinensis populations distributed in Nanliu, Minjiang, Young River, Oujiang , Yangtze , Liaohe and Yalujiang River systems. Thirty ISSR primers were screened and 10 primers were selected for their ability to produce clear and...
Keywords/Search Tags:ISSR, Mitten crab, Genetic diversity, Genetic divergence
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