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Theoretical Exploration And Empirical Research On Constellation Regional Development

Posted on:2021-08-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L DingFull Text:PDF
GTID:1489306038493044Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the task of coordinated development of regional social economy,it is an important issue to grasp the spatial structure of regional social economic development in order to achieve sustainable development of China's social economy from the perspective of regional development strategy.For this reason,geographers have carried out a large number of "task driven" comprehensive studies and accumulated certain theories and experiences.For instance,the emerging of concepts such as American Urban Constellation,Urban Ring,Chinese Urban Constellation have expanded the connotation of spatial structure research of regional socio-economic development-spatial imagespatial structure image expression.The study of constellation regional development theory is thus helpful to deepen the research of regional spatial structure and the application of regional spatial structure research in regional development strategy.Therefore,it is necessary to conduct a research regarding the development of regional constellation theory and empirical research.Based on clarifying spatial structure and regional spatial image,this study analyzed the connotation,theoretical basis and basic mode of constellation development.A method of constellation regional spatial structure was constructed based on comprehensive index evaluation,shortest path analysis,buffer analysis and tailoring analysis.The study empirically analyzed the star(growth pole),star line(development axis)and regional spatial structure of 31 provinces in Chinese mainland.Consequently,the overall spatial structure and spatial image of China's province were analyzed,and its significance for regional development was discussed.The main conclusions are as follows:(1)The basic pattern of constellation regional development includes point pattern,line pattern and angle pattern.Point pattern refers to the spatial structure with only growth poles and no development axis in the region.The linear pattern refers to the linear arrangement of the growth poles in the region and its adjacent region,forming the spatial structure of the linear combination of the growth poles and the development axis.The angle pattern refers to the spatial structure that the growth poles of this region and its adjacent regions are approximately arranged in an angle(sharp angle,obtuse angle or right angle),forming the combination of growth poles and development axis angle.Among them,the single point structure ? of point pattern can be evolved into linear pattern and angular pattern,and the linear pattern and angular pattern can be further evolved.The three types of patterns can be applied separately or combined to form a combined pattern.(2)The stars(growth poles)in the regional development of Chinese provincial constellations have certain stability and show a certain hierarchy distribution.In 2016,compared with 2006,there were 105 growth poles and 88 growth poles remained stable that accounting for 83.81%of the total.The growth poles are mainly concentrated in the east of Hu Huanyong line,accounting for 84.77%of the total.The high-level growth poles are mainly distributed in the water transport or railway and other transportation facilities such as Longhai,Yangtze River,coastal,Jingha,Jingguang,Baokun,etc.,in a "two horizontal and three vertical" pattern.The top growth poles belong to the Yangtze River Delta,Beijing Tianjin Hebei,Pearl River Delta and Chengdu Chongqing urban agglomeration.(3)The star line(development axis)of regional development of Chinese provincial constellation shows great spatial difference,which is mainly affected by topography,water resources,economic location,traffic infrastructure and other factors.Among them,the regional endogenous development axis is a comprehensive transportation facilities spatial pattern dominated by "short and straight" in the northeast,"cyclic annular" in the East,"arborization" in the middle,and "linear" in the West.The length of the interregional development axis is successively reduced in the order of the west,the middle,the East,and the northeast,to a certain extent,reflecting the distance cost of the integrated towns in the edge areas.The average distance of the integrated towns in the western provincial channels is the highest(174km).The superposition of endogenous development axis and interregional development axis forms the provincial development axis at the national scale.(4)The spatial structure of regional development of Chinese provincial constellation is mainly composed of combination model,and its evolution is mainly from linear scene mode ? to linear scene mode ?.There are 22 provinces including Hebei,Zhejiang,Guangdong and Liaoning etc.that belong to combination model.Beijing,Tianjin,Shanghai,Chongqing,and Hainan belong to the point model.The first four represent single point structure I and Hainan represents single point structure ?.The linear model includes Heilongjiang Province,and the angular model includes Tibet,Qinghai and Ningxia.The comparison of spatial structure between 2006 and 2016 shows that local evolution has taken place.There are seven provinces including Shandong,Jiangsu,Sichuan,Shaanxi,Gansu,Qinghai and Jiangxi where the linear scene mode ? evolves to the linear scene mode ?.For Heilongjiang,the linear scene mode ? evolves to linear scene mode ?.(5)Compared with Beijing Tianjin Hebei,the Yangtze River Delta,the Yangtze River economic belt and the China's urban agglomeration planning in the 13th five year plan,the spatial structure of constellation regional development covers most of the cities and towns,and achieves a better provincial docking with the national development strategy.The spatial structure covers 277 towns,accounting for 82.19%of the total.The regional development of provincial constellation is an ideal structure of the combination of growth pole and the shortest channel,which is characterized by the transition from high-level growth pole to low-level growth pole and the connection of non growth pole with development potential along the shortest traffic line.(6)The static spatial image expression of regional development of Chinese provincial constellation shows that the spatial development pattern of most provinces is relatively balanced.The expression frequency of skeleton,giant,spine,dwarf and spine structures decreased in turn.There are 22 skeleton structures,accounting for 70.97%,which indicates that a combination mode has been formed,and its spatial structure shape has a combination of ring,line and divergence.The ring spatial structure is easy to form a resultant force on the regional development axis.The linear spatial structure has a clear direction of regional development axis.The divergent spatial structure has a variety of directions.The backbone structures include Tibet,Qinghai,Ningxia,to some extent,it reflects the constraints of natural resources and environment on the spatial structure.(7)The dynamic spatial image expression of regional development of Chinese provincial constellation shows that different spatial structure provinces should choose different spatial development modes and paths.The four municipalities directly under the central government of single point structure I should spread and develop,and Hainan Province of single point structure II should gather and develop to strengthen the scale of Haikou agglomeration.For the four provinces of the angle model and the linear model,Heilongjiang and Qinghai can choose both directions,but Tibet and Ningxia should improve the scale of capital agglomeration.In addition to strengthening the endogenous development axis,4 out of 22 provinces of the combined mode provinces are in one direction,including Hebei,Jiangsu Zhejiang,Xinjiang,10 provinces are in two directions,including Shandong,Liaoning,Inner Mongolia.8 provinces are in multiple directions,including Guangdong,Guizhou,Henan.When choosing the two-way or more than two-way route,the natural resources and environment carrying capacity and social and economic development conditions in the marginal areas should be analyzed.(8)The overall spatial image expression of the regional development of China's provincial constellation shows that except for the single point structure I,the average of the number of provincial growth poles decreases in the order of central,Eastern,Western and northeast provinces.To some extent,it shows that the spatial development of the central and eastern provinces is relatively coordinated,and the spatial development of the eastern and northern provinces is relatively concentrated.As the regional development power,the growth poles connection as well as the compound construction of development axis should be strengthened to provide channel foundation for the coordinated development of growth poles.The primate city reflects the overall development level of China's province in a trapezoid like structure.The proportion of the first,second,third and fourth level regions is 5:7:9:10.The fourth level regions are mainly concentrated in the west,so it is suggested to strengthen interregional ties and promote the development of the western provinces through horizontal national strategies such as the Pearl River Xijiang economic belt,the Yangtze River economic belt,and the Yellow River basin ecological protection and high-quality development.
Keywords/Search Tags:constellation regional development, spatial structure, spatial image, regional development strategy, provincial domain of China
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