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Study On The Administration Pattern Of Lianda

Posted on:2019-11-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1487305753472144Subject:Chinese history
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Undertaking the historical mission of continuing traditional Chinese culture in the rough time of Sino-Japanese War,Xinan Lianda-Southwest Associated University-began "a Long March of Education" to the remote province of Yunnan and created a miracle in the history of Chinese and world higher education.The administration pattern of Lianda is the key to its success.It can be said that Lianda could not have been so successful without its unique administration patter,which is worth intensive study.Therefore,in this dissertation,a detailed analysis is given to the administration pattern of Lianda,focusing on its formation,characteristics,efficiency,value,as well as the enlightenment it provides to the modern world.To make the argument convincing,raw material and historical reference are carefully sorted out,and research methodology from management science and education is employed.The administration pattern of Lianda was formed during its practice of running the university and was affected by certain historical,cultural and natural backgrounds.The first and foremost background was the breakout of Sino-Japanese War,in which the aggression and cruelty of Japanese army trigged Lianda intellectuals' passion to fight against Japan and save their nation.The specific background of Yunnan was its long history,local culture and revolutionary tradition formed since the Double Ninth Festival Revolts and the 1911 Revolution.Rich natural resources of Yunnan were another background,affecting the formation of the administration pattern of Lianda.Thanks to the subtle change in the relationship between the local government of Yunnan represented by Long Yun and the central government of Nationalist Party,academic freedom and a loose political atmosphere was able to be created on the campus of Lianda.The administration pattern of Lianda was established on framework consisted of one Top Decision-making Standing Committee,two sub-committees,i.e.,the Council and the Professor Committee,four functional offices,i.e.,the Academic Affairs Office,the General Affairs Office,the Students Affairs Office and a separated Accountant Office,five colleges,i.e.,the College of Arts,the College of Natural Sciences,the College of Engineering,the College of Law and Business,and the Teachers' College,as well as various temporary specialized committees and research centers.The three resources from which the administrative pattern of Lianda came were human resource composed of three members in the Standing Committee,Mr.Jiang Menglin,Mr.Mei Yiqi and Mr.Zhang Boling,economic resource which referred to the budgets and costs necessary for running the university,and time and space resource which was the choice of time and place to set up the university.In addition,to ensure the smooth operation of Lianda,it had to cope successfully with the relationship between the Education Ministry of the Nationalist Government and the local government of Yunnan,and seek association and cooperation among Peking University,Tsinghua University and Nankai University.In this way,the operating mechanism of Lianda was established,with the Standing Committee in charge of university affairs,the Council responsible for administrative affairs,and the Professor Committee for academic affairs.Studying intensively,the administration pattern of Lianda is a mixture of tradition and innovation,particularly exemplified in the diversified management of its teaching staff and students.Viewing extensively,the administration pattern of Lianda is characterized by the balance between obeying orders and keeping individuality,the cooperation in decision making and execution,the stability of its administration system,and the mutual interaction between the administration and the academy.Organization,people and culture are the three inseparable factors contributing to the success of Lianda,while the spirit of autonomy and the removal of inhuman aspects in administration are the best illustrations of the nature of Lianda.To summarize,the administration pattern of Lianda was formed under the special background of Sino-Japanese War,on the basis of modern western management ideas and system,from learning the administration experience Peking University,Tsinghua University and Nankai University,and through reaping benefits from traditional Chinese culture.It has already exerted influence on and will continue to influence Chinese education in the aspects of training talents,doing high-level academic research,meeting local and national defense needs,and inheriting and renewing conventional Chinese culture.Therefore,it is fully justified to say that the administration pattern of Lianda shed light on the management of contemporary Chinese universities which stand at the historical turning point.Furthermore,the success of Lianda provides enlightenment for deepening the higher education reform in China and boosting the development of modern university governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xinan Lianda, Administration System, Operation Mechanism, Interal and External Relations, Significant Characteristics
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