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On The Integrity Of Marxist Communist Thought

Posted on:2021-05-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486306032497594Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There is a tendency of one-sided interpretation of Communist dogma in the theoretical circles at home and abroad.This study is based on the classic text of Marxism,from the perspective of the unity of science and value,regularity and subjectivity,idealism and reality,through the investigation of the initiation and establishment of Marxist Communist thought and its demonstration process in the vertical direction,and the summary of the theme,value purpose,overall implication and theoretical characteristics of the Communist thought in the horizontal direction,to reveal Marx as a whole The true meaning and spiritual panorama of communism provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for people to understand communism completely and accurately and to strengthen the ideal and belief of communism.First of all,this study focuses on the transformation and nature of Marx's world outlook during the period of the Yearbook of Germany and law by systematically combing the background,theoretical sources and the establishment of the world outlook of Marx's communism.This problem is the logical starting point and theoretical premise of studying Marxist Communist thought.Secondly,based on the classical texts,this study generalizes the whole process of Marx's construction and demonstration of communism into four stages:first,the first complete expression of communism in the manuscript of economic philosophy in 1844,which is the birthplace of the integrity of Marxist Communism and the formation of scientific communism;second,the German ideology is the birthplace of communism The demonstration of the reality is the initial formation of the scientific reality of the Communist ideology;the third is the first comprehensive scientific explanation of the Communist Party in the Manifesto of the Communist Party,marking the formal birth of the scientific communist ideology;the fourth is the further demonstration and development of the communism in the capital,which is the deepening of the integrity of the Marxist communist ideology.Marx's establishment and demonstration of communism experienced a whole evolution process from immature to mature,from humanitarian communism to scientific communism,from non Marxist to Marxist.Third,through the in-depth discussion of the historical evolution and multiple provisions of the connotation of the Communist thought,this paper puts forward the viewpoint of grasping the overall implication of the Communist thought from the multi-dimensional unity of "the organic unity of thought,movement and system,the dialectical unity of social development and human liberation,and the overall unity of the ideological development of young Marx and old Marx".Fourth,the theme of communism is the unity of proletarian liberation and human liberation from the perspective of overall logic,and the value purpose is the unity of everyone's free and all-round development.This paper reveals the overall change of Marxist Communist thought in the theoretical field of vision,the emancipation of the main body,the realization of the path and the fundamental purpose,and puts forward that the overall characteristics of communism are the dialectical unity of scientificity and value,regularity and subjectivity,criticism and construction,ideality and reality.Finally,this study reveals the academic value,theoretical and practical significance of the Communist thought from the perspective of the combination of theory and practice.Communism is the core of Marx's ideological and theoretical system.It is an organic whole of thoughts,movements and systems about human self liberation.The purpose of interpreting and studying Marxist Communist thought from a new perspective of integrity is to reveal its scientificalness and truth,and then to grasp the rich connotation of this thought completely and accurately,and effectively resist the erroneous judgments such as "the nihilism of communism" and "the dogmatization of communism" existing in people's minds.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Communist thought, Integrity
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