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The State And The Working Class Under The Kuomintang, 1924-1949

Posted on:2012-05-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486303356971859Subject:Foreign political system
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The relationship between the State and the working-class ruled by KMT, is determinated by the political power of the state, which belongs to a group of people. This proposition should be discussed from two aspects:One is the nature of the state; the other is how the State can be associated with the working-class by the political power as the hidden clue. We need to discuss it in the triangle construction of KMT Government, capital and labor in order to achieve this discussion.The State used in this dissertation is KMT Government. It is a government featuring the Bureaucratic Capital for the few. KMT and its government are neither representing the working-class, nor the capital class, even not representing all the bureaucracy. The Four Family is only a symbol of the Bureaucratic Capital representing the few, not really refers to four similar family of that time. The word Bureaucratic Capital uncovers nature of the KMT Government. Whereas it is National Capital in this dissertation, we can not replace it with the later.For KMT Government, the Bureaucratic Capital of the ruling group is different from the Private Capital. Labor dispute inside of the former is controlled strictly by the State, and any strike, any sabotage is forbidden which is viewed as the action against the State and the society. Even inside of Bureaucratic Capital, the State is seldom object of the labor movement, which always displays as the conflict between managers and workers. The Private Capital or the working-class is the group outside of the ruling one, so, conflict between these two groups will not harm the interest of the Bureaucratic Capital. Formally, the state have more activity space in labor conflict, and it can choose to mediate the conflict in the form of neutrality or support one side to deliver a heavy blow to the other side. Actually, the Bureaucratic Capital under the cloak of the state possesses the characteristic of absorbing the Private Capital. If this process does not have appeared, the only reason is that the Bureaucratic Capital hasn't the ability to control it or it is more effective operated by the Private Capital.The political power of is an invisible hand behind the relationship between the state and the working-class. It exploits labor of workers by operating the capital---- the Bureaucratic Capital or the Private Capital. The different is that the former is direct and obvious, while the later is indirect and secret, in which the Private Capital is a bridge between the Bureaucratic Capital and the labor. This kind of exploit can be true because the Private Capital is not integrity, which is vulnerable to the political power. It is said, the political power can operate the Private Capital directly at any moment by its will. Except operation direct, to tax the Private Capital is also a measure which the Bureaucratic Capital exploits the labor. In a word, the relationship between the State and the working-class is a political power one. The State is characterized by the Bureaucratic Capital controlled by the ruling group. The Bureaucratic Capital under the cloak of the state exploits the labor directly or indirectly. The attitude in relationship between the labor and capital of the Bureaucratic Capital is only a superficial phenomenon whether it supports the cooperation or class straggle, but the fact is the political power operates the capital for the interest of the ruling group.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrialization, State, Bureaucratic Capital, Working-Class
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