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Study On The Ideal Community In The Fictions Of The 1980s

Posted on:2022-01-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306734489624Subject:Literature and art
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In 1980s,people had just suffered a double burden of poverty materially and spiritually during a period of social transition,and were desperate for complementary colors of their own existence through reforms--the material and spiritual aspects of ideal.The common pursuit required people to rebuild the society and enter a new era.The fictions of the 1980 s spontaneously portray people living in poverty but still pursue their dream,thus forming an idealistic literary community.The dissertation makes the development of idealistic community as a study object,explores the composition of ideal "figure" in the 1980 s from four aspects: survival ideals,emotional ideals,personality ideals,and behavioral ideals,discusses the discourse logic and the process of structuring the idealistic literary community.The first chapter is about the ideal of survival: The trajectory of community exploration in the fictions.From the perspective of existentialism,this chapter explores the living dilemma of the lower class depicted in the fictions of the 1980 s,as well as the desire and the ideal for survival that burst out in the plight.In 1980 s,most of the creators had endured the identity conversion,converted from farmers to citizens,or from educated Five Black Categories to revolutionary writers and artists,analyze the cause of this dilemma,search for a social culture path to change the situation and endue the works a profound enlightenment in anxiety from their personal experience and awkward living standard of people at the bottom of the society.The fictions of this period wrote about people's existential dilemmas,and create the ideal topic of survival by means of reverse incentives,which had clear practical importance and enlightenment to participate in the process of structuring an ideal community of survival.Chapter 2 discusses about emotional ideals: The Community of Love Discourse has been shaped.This chapter mainly discusses the love discourse in the fictions of the 1980 s.The theme of love in the novel of this period is reviving,enlightening and innovative.Collating and summarizing the logic of love discourse from emotions,we observe a certain commonality of national emotional sustenance from the formation of love discourse in this period.Intellectuals,farmers,and reformers,in the process of pursuing the ideal of love,all collectively somewhere abandoned the previous way of writing that revolutionary political ideals dominated love,and explored the artist creation path that demonstrated humanity,human rights and humanitarianism through the theme of love.Love discourse in the 1980 s evolved from grand recount background to mainstream speech and then to individual whispers.The protagonists of the story demand a proper place for love and a strong desire to pursue individual love,and the creation of a literary community with independent value which filling the general idealistic community in the 1980 s with romance.Chapter 3 discusses about personality ideals: reconstruction of the Community Will by Adjusting Reality.This chapter intends to expound the reconstruction of personality value with commonality in the activities of the state discourse system in adjusting reality in the1980 s.In 1980 s,the protagonists in the fictions were exposed to various situations that disrupted interpersonal relationships and distorted personality ideals,and they constantly explored the path to harmonious relationships and ideal personality that corresponded with the personality pursuits of the society at that time and caused strong reaction from public.With theoretical analysis of triple personality,this part observes the logic of the vertical writing of fictions in the 1980 s,and outlines the breakthrough path of the ideological emancipation and the strong desire to change reality at the time.Chapter 4,Behavioral Ideals: The Exploration of path of the Idealist Community.Based on the presentation of behavioral ideals,this chapter explores the path of an idealistic community.From the perspective of practical rationality and behavioral philosophy,the protagonist in the80 s fictions,living in a specific situation,burden with a sense of responsibility to reform the various disciplines that keep people trammeled in their own minds,and the qualities of stubbornness,are struggling for behavioral ideal.They are pioneers of common ideals and the most active elements in the literary community and their exploration have drawn an aggressive reform force in the trend of the times.In summary,survival ideals,emotional ideals,personality ideals,and behavior ideals are the four dimensions of the idealism in the 1980 s,they constitute the idealistic literary community of fictions in the 1980 s,and each constitute one Micro-idealistic literary community.The four ideals contain each other and organize the composition as a whole within their own communities.In the 1980 s,the emergence of novel writing,the formation of genres,and the cohesion of common not only represent the desire and ideals of the entire social idealism in the new age,but also the spiritual representation of the writers' consciousness community which reflect the most precious literary spirit of the writers in 1980 s.If community is the outcome between the essential will of society and individual choice,then the literary spirit of this era is undoubtedly the representation of this idealistic community.
Keywords/Search Tags:fictions in the 1980s, idealism, library community, discourse logic
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