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The Study On Gu Yanwu's Research Of The Book Of Songs

Posted on:2022-02-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306722993249Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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The research of the Book of Songs at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty showed different characteristics from other times due to the change of dynasties and academic trends.During this period,Gu Yanwu,one of the three thinkers in the early Qing Dynasty,put his ambition to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty on academic research,and left rich academic achievements on the research of the Book of Songs in a large number of works,including Shi Ben Yin,Ri Zhi Lu and other works quoting the Book of Songs and discussing the Book of Songs.No matter from small point of view,or from the overall history of the Book of Songs,these academic achievements show Gu Yanwu's different characteristics from previous study of the Book of Songs,the concept of save country and irreplaceable great contribution to the research of the Book of Songs in the Qing Dynasty.Shi Ben Yin is the most important achievement of Gu Yanwu's research on the Book of Songs,which is also the book that best reflects core of his research on the Book of Songs in the Five Books of Phonology.It is different from the idea of the phonological circle to study the development of ancient phonology and the results of phonology through the analysis of Shi Ben Yin.Shi Ben Yin has unique characteristics as well as thought of purpose of study of the Book of Songs,from the perspective of research of the Book of Songs.First of all,the form of Shi Ben Yin on the research of the Book of Songs is very special.Gu Yanwu not only absorbed the predecessors' strength of the research of the Book of Songs,but also has his own characteristics: while recording all the texts of the Book of Songs and adopting his own and various evidences,he also comprehensively inspects the text of the Book of Songs and compares the current and ancient sounds of rhyming characters,classify and investigate the text of the Book of Songs rhymes,and the viewpoints expressed in the Book of Songs and the signs used.Compared with the Song and Ming Dynasties,Shi Ji Zhuan and Mao Shi Gu Yin Kao emphasized on truth and rhyme,the format of Shi Ben Yin not only makes a lot of modern and ancient phonetic textual notes very reasonable,also the content of the note is also richer and highlights the main content of the Book of Songs.Secondly,under the background that The research of the Book of Songs in late Ming Dynasty has continued the Song and Yuan dynasties,the textual research of Shi Ben Yin changed the style of researching of the Book of Songs,which was rigid and empty,and advocated restoring the multiple essences of the Book of Songs.Including the Book of Songs can be sung,the Book of Songs conforms to the rules of composition,and the Book of Songs' Confucian classics.It shows that Gu Yanwu is different from other researchers who only pay attention to reasoning and to pursuit the rhyme to change the pronunciation.Moreover,Shi Ben Yin studies the Book of Songs in pursuit of the truth,do not express idea when it is uncertain;it does not blindly follow a certain group of people;it pays attention to the views of ancient books,but it does not blindly follow the ancients;the text can be long or short,as long as the meaning is expressed clearly;think independently of others' opinions on the Book of Songs and pursue the truth.In addition,by researching the core position of Shi Ben Yin in the Five Books of Phonology,it also shows that the purpose of Gu Yanwu's research of the Book of Songs is to save the nation and preserve the cultural seeds of China.Unlike the situation where Shi Ben Yin has been extensively studied by the phonology circle,the Lun Shi Zong in Volume 3 of Ri Zhi Lu is rarely studied by scholars.Through research,it is found that 42 entries in volume 3 govern the Book of Songs,each of which is based on the evidence and feelings of the Book of Songs.It is an important content of Gu Yanwu's research of the Book of Songs,which not only examines the Book of Songs in turn according to the preface of the Book of Songs,but also follows the rigorous way of governing the Book of Songs and has its own different purports of governing the Book of Songs.Observed from the research topic and content,the 42 items can be roughly classified into four types: official case type,verse type,poetry collection type and refining type.They respectively study the contentious issues discussed in the history of the Book of Songs and put forward their own opinions and textual research.The sentences in the Book of Songs also talk about the methods of governing the country,explain the vocabulary in the Book of Songs and reasons,and the content of textual research focusing on restoring history and so on.By analyzing the content of these studies of the Book of Songs,it is found that the characteristics of the research of the Book of Songs are also obvious: using the form of reading notes,the method of testifying between classics and history,different writing styles.On one hand,it has the talent and morality of saints,on the other hand,it care about the thoughts of the people.From all aspects above,it can also be seen that Gu Yanwu's concept of researching the Book of Songs is to govern the country.In addition to Gu Yanwu's special research on the Book of Songs in Shi Ben Yin and Volume 3 of Ri Zhi lu,there are 431 other entries that quote the Book of Songs and discuss the contents of the Book of Songs.On the one hand,these scattered references to the Book of Songs show the characteristics of more references to the Book of Songs and less discussions on the Book of Songs,more references to elegance and less Feng and ode,more research on classic books and less other books.On the other hand,more importantly,the purpose of these quotations of the Book of Songs and discussion of the Book of Songs are also different.Quoting the Book of Songs includes quoting for "expression",quotation for "testimony",and quotation for expressing "emotions".Among them,quoting for "testimony" is the largest,mainly quoting the Book of Songs to prove historical customs and geography,famous objects,Righteousness and reason,Exegesis,etc.It quotes the Book of Songs by quoting the sentence of the Book of Songs,the category of the Book of Songs,the title of the Book of Songs in a variety of ways,and does not stick to one sentence pattern,which is different from quoting the Book of Songs.Different from Xunzi who quoted the Book of Songs a lot and focused on reasoning and adopted fixed sentence patterns,Gu Yanwu's style of quoting the Book of Songs is to pursuit of "practical learning".In comparison,the discussion of the Book of Songs is a discussion of the phonology,characters,and thoughts of the Book of Songs.The content is not much,However,as the evidence of studying the special books of the Book of Songs,it once again shows Gu Yanwu's thought of studying the Book of Songs,that is,the phonology changes with the content and focuses on the real situation.The achievements of Gu Yanwu's research on the Book of Songs had a profound influence on the research of the Book of Songs in Qing Dynasty.Not only did he lead the Qing Dynasty the Book of Songs study to pursue practicality,but also the first to open up the field of phonology and textual research,especially to lay the foundation for the Research of the Book of Songs of the Qianjia School of thought,Wu School of thought,Wan School of thought,Changzhou School of thought and Yangzhou School of thought,which have made great achievements in textual research of the Book of Songs,have been influenced by Gu Yanwu.But inevitably,due to the limitations of life and academic vision,Gu Yanwu's research of the Book of Songs also has some shortcomings,such as the study of the phonology of the Book of Songs is not detailed,and some words are too sharp,etc.However,one flaw cannot obscure the splendor of the jade,Gu Yanwu's great achievements in the research of the Book of Songs can not be covered up.In short,Gu Yanwu's research of the Book of Songs shows the pursuit of pragmatic research on the characteristics of the Book of Songs and the thought of the Book of Songs to practical use.Gu Yanwu was not only a representative and important research individual in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty and even the history of the research of the Book of Songs,but also opened the atmosphere of academic textual research in the Qing Dynasty,led the research of the Book of Songs in the Qing Dynasty to create a new situation,and created another academic peak in the history of the research of the Book of Songs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gu Yanwu, The research of the Book of Songs, Shi Ben Yin, Ri Zhi Lu, Quoting the Book of Songs and commenting the Book of Songs
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