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Research On The Value Baseline Of Chinese Popular Culture Under The Multicultural Background

Posted on:2020-08-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:G LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306521470404Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Problems in the field of social morality are often closely related to the cultural life of the masses.As far as the governance in the field of social morality is concerned,the high incidence of malignant moral incidents has been curbed under the heavy punch of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in combating corruption and promoting honesty and rectifying the style of work,and the effect of "curing the symptoms" is outstanding.However,from the root of the "root" level,the "chronic disease" of social morality and cultural atmosphere has not been fundamentally solved.This paper holds that starting from the popular culture which has the most influence on people's daily life,it is an effective way of sustainability to construct the bottom line of mass culture value for the mass media at the rigid institutional level,which is both normative and effective in guaranteeing people's cultural rights and interests,in order to promote the healthy development of mass cultural life.There are seven parts in the content structure of this thesis,which mainly focus on why we should build the bottom line of mass culture value,build what kind of bottom line of popular culture value and how to build the bottom line of mass cultural value.The first part of the introduction mainly discusses the background and significance of the topic selection,research status at home and abroad,research ideas and methods,research contents and research innovations and difficulties.The second part mainly studies the theoretical basis and related categories of the bottom line of mass culture value,which is the theoretical premise for building the bottom line of mass cultural value in China.The third,fourth part mainly studies why we should build mass culture.The external and internal causes of the bottom line of value are the objective process of multiculturalism and its influence,the existence and development of mass culture and its influence.The fifth,sixth,seventh part mainly studies what kind of mass cultural value bottom line and how to build the bottom line of mass cultural value,namely the internal conflict dimension and regulation of the bottom line of popular culture value,the evaluation and construction mechanism in consensus,etc.The main contents of this paper are as follows:First of all,before studying the bottom line of the value of popular culture,we must clarify some theoretical premises.For example,what is culture and whether it is necessary to prevent negative depraved cultural phenomena or behaviors?Why do people fall? Why does the culture of degeneration do not conform to the requirements of Marxism? What is the value and whether there is a bottom line value? What is the bottom line of people's thinking and how to form the bottom line of value consensus? The research of these problems determines the theoretical support of the proposition of "constructing the bottom line of the value of popular culture".Secondly,the external reason for the construction of the bottom line of mass culture value is the objective development of multiculturalism and its influence.The emergence and development of multiculturalism is objective and inevitable,and its influence on Chinese culture and its daily life is also great.The close relationship between culture and value inevitably leads to the coexistence of multi-value conflicts and integration between different cultures and different subjects.The objective process of multiculturalism has both positive and negative effects on Chinese culture,which is mainly reflected in the conflict and integration of Chinese mainstream culture and non mainstream culture,as well as its impact on the daily life of Chinese people.Thirdly,the internal cause of the construction of the bottom line of mass culture value is the development and influence of mass culture.Meanwhile,the inherent stipulation of the bottom line of mass culture value is determined by the need of value consensus caused by the conflict of the bottom line value of different cultural subjects.This paper analyzes the impact of the existence and development of Chinese mass culture on Chinese social psychology and values,which is subtle and profound.In contemporary China,mass culture is in a world of multipolarization,economic globalization,social informatization and cultural diversification.This situation has led to various conflicts of interest among the various stakeholders in the mass culture,mainly due to the conflict between morality and utility at the economic level,freedom and bogus at the political level.Conflicts between sexuality,secularity and transcendence at the cultural level.In these conflicts,there must be the possibility of some subjects' values breaking through the bottom line of value.Once breaking through the bottom line of value,it means that some people's moral decline and collapse have reached an intolerable level.Therefore,how to cohere the value consensus and prevent breaking through the bottom line of value has become the focus of this paper.This paper holds that in order to deal with the value conflicts of mass culture brought about by these multicultural backgrounds,it is obvious that only the past means of compulsory inculcation,explicit prohibition and model demonstration against cultural audiences are not effective.If we only guide from the front,but ignore from the back,there will undoubtedly be a risk of increasing differentiation between noble and vulgar.Therefore,in order to guard against these risks,it is a realistic and effective way to seek a bottom line of value that can be universally conventions among various stakeholders of mass culture,and to impose rigid institutional constraints in mass media.The formation process of the bottom line of the value of the consensus of mass culture is a complex and multi-dimensional system engineering.It does not form a "red line" or "boundary" simply and mechanically from top to bottom or from a single point of view.It is the bottom line of the value in the consensus reached by various subjects after consultation.It should take into account the tolerance of the interests of all parties and achieve such things as political value and economy.The bottom line of value,social value,cultural value,ecological value and so on should be connected with the echo of ultimate value.Fourthly,there is a process of consensus through value evaluation in constructing the value baseline of popular culture.This evaluation process should mainly focus on the mass media,such as the Internet,television,movies,novels,leisure newspapers and periodicals,rather than the public.This not only guarantees the people's cultural rights,but also has realistic manipulation.The principle of democratization and procedure should be embodied when people participate in the evaluation of the value baseline of popular culture.The bottom line of the value of mass culture should be the maximum endurance or the lowest threshold of the values of mass media and its practitioners.It is the concrete embodiment of the basic moral and behavioral norms of society in mass culture and a basic obligation of mass media.Therefore,the important subject of evaluating the bottom line of mass culture value should be the vast masses of the people under the leadership of the Party and the government,and should be determined by all kinds of interest subjects of mass culture in an organized manner according to law.Finally,there is a problem of institutional mechanism in constructing the value baseline of popular culture.Constructing the value baseline of popular culture from the institutional level is a systematic project.Its construction should be based on the current reality of our cultural construction,correctly guided and standardized by the socialist core values,concretized and deepened the "eight shames" in the socialist concept of honor and disgrace,embody the responsibility and obligation of the mass media to the society and the people,and finally internalize the rigid system into the mass media and people's self-discipline.The specific problems involved are: who organizes,who supervises,who evaluates,who constructs,how to construct and where to construct.These problems are embodied in the aspects of institutional mechanism,such as establishing and improving guiding principles,organizational mechanism,implementation mechanism and supervision mechanism.Under the guidance of Marxist methodology,this paper focuses on the mass culture and its value bottom line,integrates ethics,sociology,psychology,management and other multi-disciplinary research paradigms,on the basis of literature analysis and research,and adopts the research methods of interdisciplinary research and qualitative analysis under the guidance of Marxism,so as to ensure the theoretical research and practical operation of this paper Scientific rationality.The prominent features and innovations of this paper lie in finding a breakthrough to solve the dilemma of moral and cultural construction from the mass culture which has the most influence on people's daily life,constructing the bottom line of mass cultural value for mass media at the rigid institutional level,establishing the healthy standard of mass cultural life,resolutely resisting the elimination of vulgar,vulgar,vulgar and vulgar customs in mass culture,and preventing transmission.The phenomenon of over-entertainment of media programs.To guarantee the healthy development of mass culture from the perspective of value baseline and thus to enhance social moral character is an innovation and attempt in the study of mass culture and even in the construction of social morality.Therefore,the main contribution of this thesis lies in the study of how to build the bottom line of mass cultural value in China,especially how to define,evaluate and build the bottom line of mass cultural value in multicultural context.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multiculturalism, Popular Culture, Value bottom line construction
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