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The Study On Administrative Culture Integration Mechanism In The Multicultural Field

Posted on:2021-01-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R OuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306521469664Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,it is facing a major change not seen in a century at home and abroad,and the collision of various ideas and social trends is intensifying.The interweaving multicultural field has become a typical feature of China's cultural ecology,which is constantly threatening and dissolving the discourse right of socialist ideology.Compared with the strong stability of political culture attached to the political system and the fact that inner-party political culture aims to maintain the party legitimacy,administrative culture is more likely to change in the interaction between the government and the society,and can also highlight people's subjectivity and value pursuit,so it has the natural advantage of integration and guidance.Meanwhile,the value tension between democracy and rule of law,freedom and equality,power and right,self and others,hardship and pleasure,individual and public constitutes a multi-layered contradiction within the administrative culture,which brings great historical challenges to the integration of administrative culture,so the mechanism construction of administrative culture integration becomes a inevitable result and strategic choice of the innovative development of administrative culture.In theory,the multicultural field can be expanded from time dimension,space dimension,content dimension,value dimension,property dimension and form dimension.The administrative culture system is an organic unity of historical inheritance and practice innovation,vertical integration and horizontal integration,elite and popular,instrumental rationality and value rationality,spiritual circulation and material dependence.Therefore,we can dialectically grasp the mutual construction logic between the multicultural field and the administrative culture system,and the objective basis of the administrative culture integration in the multicultural field.On a practical level,various cultural fields,such as mainstream culture,traditional culture,western culture,network culture,elite culture,mass culture and youth subculture,have brought many opportunities and challenges to the development of administrative culture.In essence,the integration of administrative culture is mainly confronted with the practical difficulties such as the integration of inheritance and transformation,the integration of nationalization and internationalization,the integration of reality and ideal,the integration of man and machine,the integration of man's subjectivity,the integration of massive spirit and frivolous expression.the mechanism construction of the administrative culture integration has the goal orientation of the administrative culture system itself and its ecosystem,and needs to grasp the general principles and special principles at the same time.The specific program design includes five stages:exploration stage:the preparation of "thought point",collision stage:the elimination of "obstacle point",the run-in stage: the search for "neutral point",the expansion and creation stage: the intercourse of "gene point",and the whole process: the avoidance of "risk point".According to the above five stages,the administrative culture integration has constructed the cognitive transformation mechanism,correction and optimization mechanism,communication and dialogue mechanism,function coordination mechanism,structure reconstruction mechanism,value reconstruction mechanism and risk aversion mechanism.Among them,the structure reconstruction and value remolding of the administrative culture system are the core and the main innovation points of this dissertation.The game between different cultural fields promotes the adjustment of factors and the new connotation of administrative spiritual culture,administrative system culture and administrative behavior culture.The spiritual level includes cultivating open and compatible administrative psychology,such as the administrative motivation for the unification of individual goal and organizational goal,the administrative attitude for the unification of work attitude and life attitude,and the administrative emotion for the unification of not forgetting original intention and keeping the mission in mind,and shaping the advanced and healthy administrative concepts,such as the view of administrative practice that integrates work and daily life,the view of administrative role that integrates administrative subject and citizen identity,and the administrative value that integrates people's interests and individual interests.We should also establish the administrative thoughts with The Times,such as the administrative ideal of the unification of the Chinese dream and communism,the administrative belief of the unification of Marxism and Xi-jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era,the administrative ethics of the unification of normative ethics and moral ethics,and develop localized administrative theories,such as a systematic and cross-disciplinary system,a subjective and original academic system,a popular and international discourse system.At the institutional level,it includes a democratic system with full participation,a responsibility system of technical rules,a rule of law system combined with the etiquette,a clean system of self-discipline and family discipline,a service system with people's satisfaction,and a friendly system of peaceful development.Behavior includes overcoming the grandiose atmosphere of network culture to oppose formalism,abandoning “official position” of traditional culture to oppose bureaucracy,cutting off the utilitarian cancer of western culture to oppose hedonism,guarding against the consumption characteristics of mass culture to oppose extravagance,and inheriting the genes of the red revolution to dare to fight and be good at fighting,absorbing the characteristics of western competition to forge ahead and innovate,keeping up with the needs of the masses to serve the people,utilizing the advantage of network technology to take on the responsibility and make progress.Further,the red culture and traditional culture embodies that the common people is the true founder of Republic of China,Marxism and national culture reveals that people is the great builders,and popular culture and network culture manifests that people is the ultimate judge.Therefore,people is the basic value orientation of multicultural field and people-centered administrative value system is asked to construct.It centered on the orientation of people-centered,the norm of promoting the balanced development of people's rights,the criterion of organic unification of individual rights and collective human rights,the standard of improving people's feeling of gain,security and happiness,the pursuit of promoting people's free and comprehensive development,and the goal of realizing a community with a shared future for mankind.In order to realize the integration mechanism of administrative culture,it is necessary to follow the pace of administrative system reform,coordinate with the construction of intra-party political culture,pay close attention to and adjust the new problems of technical ethics,and take strengthening cultural confidence as psychological support.We should strengthen the guiding role of the mainstream administrative culture,modernize the cultural governance system and capacity,construct an operating mode of gradual and balanced development,implement the administration fundamental goal of public reason,and create a quality environment for self-discipline in cultural communication.
Keywords/Search Tags:multicultural field, administrative culture, integration, mechanism, people-centered
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