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Post-70 Writers Narration Of Small Town

Posted on:2022-04-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306329470884Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The author attempts to describe the image of small towns from a holistic perspective and against the background of the entire history of literature.First,the author narrates stories occurred in small town and then conducts a comprehensive analysis of these stories to show the historical value and literary significance of post-70 narration of small towns,as well as its multifaceted and complex nature.The narration itself is the recording and representation of contemporary Chinese society and reflects the complex and diverse humanity.The first chapter introduced the life background of "post-70s" writers.A considerable number of them lived and grew up in small towns at that time and there was an inherent bond between small towns and these writers,which gives them a congenital advantage in writing about small towns.They wrote about their daily life,particularly life in commercial streets and factories,new landscape for them.As urbanization proceeds,small towns started imitating big cities in their development.In limited living area,residents in small towns can only imagine about the life in metropolis.In the second chapter,the author analyzes the representatives of people living in small towns in the 1970 s,that is,the young people there.Xu Zechen,Shi Yifeng and other writers create the image of a group of wandering aliens in cities in their works.Writers such as Tian Er and Zhang Chu write about those who stand fast to stay in their hometowns.Among them,there are young workers whose destiny drift about along with the national reform policy,and also writers who insist on writing and never give up their writing dream.Resorting to such symbols as trains,maps,stars,and telescopes,they develop a vision of the outside world in their mind.The third chapter reflects on social and family ethics.From the narration,we can see clearly and even feel the social transformation,as well as the impact on interpersonal relations in small town from consumerism in city.From consumerism's impact on parent-child and husband-wife relation as well as the stories of marginal groups,we can see the contradictory mind of post-70 writers: on one hand,they are eager to break through the bondage of traditional ethics;on the other hand,they try to call the traditional ethics back.The fourth chapter explains,from the perspective of realistic writing,that narration of small town in 1970 s is a literary stage dedicated to contemporary social development.It describes the story happening in villiages,towns and cities to show the transformation of society,and reveals how individuals in the society survive and what mental frustration they suffer.In this part,the author also employes realistic approach to narrate daily life in small towns,exhibiting the changes in people's living standard and mentality in a subtle manner.From the ordinary people's point of view,author examines these young men's physical suffering and mental torture as well as the gradual change from in material life,value and even mentality.Taking the works of Fang Wei and Ma Xiaoquan as examples.Through observing some individuals' destiny,these works reflects the social problems that have emerged during the reform of state-owned enterprises,urbanization and other major social reforms,and conveys a sense of realism and humanity.The fifth chapter mainly analyzes the relationship between post-70 writers' narration of small town and modernism,namely the avant-garde literature.Writers born in the 1970 s,as readers of avant-garde literature in the 1980 s,have inherited the style of writing at that time.The author,with symbolic and metaphorical narrative strategies,portrays small town as a closed environment to reveal the impermanence and uncertainty of life.The author takes Jin Renshun,Huang Xiaoyang,Waddang and other writers as examples to analyze the uncanny relationships between characters and treacherous plots in the works of the post-70 writers.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Post-70s" writers, Small towns, Ehics, Realism, Modernis
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