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Li Qingping's Painting Art Research

Posted on:2020-01-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306002977899Subject:Art Cultural History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Qingping was one of the first generation of artists who explored and adhered to the modem painting arts in China.In her early years,she received the education of western arts and realized tremendous arts achievement.In 1940s,she was active in arts circles and enthusiastic in revolution and education.While in 1950s,owing to political and social reasons,she "disappeared" in Chinese arts history and lived miserably and quietly in her hometown-Jingzhou,Hubei province.When she got free politically in 1979s,her second art life blossomed after nearly 30 year's disappearance.Taking root in Chinese traditional culture,Jingchu regional culture and folk art with western modem art thoughts as foundation,combined with her deep understanding of human life,her late painting works showed up as abstract expressionism painting with her unique characters.Li Qingping's art innovation was not only an important representative of Chinese modern art history,but also a special art case with outstanding individuality and extremely typical meaning in the entire female cultural history.Throughout the 20th century Chinese art history,due to the limitation of time and knowledge,a generation of artists like Li Qingping in life and art experience was shadowed,as well as their status in art history.That's why the study on Li Qingping and her paintings was really important.By exploring the reasons for formation of her art style in an overall and systematic way,we can fully reveal the course of western painting art's broadcasting,acceptance and evolution.On the basis of carding and exploring Li Qingping's art career and art view,this thesis tries to study her painting art in a comprehensive,systematic and deep way,especially to analyze and discuss the subject,painting language and value orientation of her late paintings,so as to reveal her abstract expressionism painting art style with Chinese local character,and further to explain how her painting art style came into being from the aspects of times,history and culture,Jingchu regional culture,fold art,feminist consciousness,lineage and learning,and her unique personality.Besides,the thesis will focus on Li Qingping's personality-oriented painting art style,highlight the special aesthetic value and cultural meaning in her painting art by making horizontal and vertical comparison between Li Qingping and western abstract expressionism,contemporary abstract artists and female artists.China's modem art history in 20th century was a rough path.In this process,Li Qingping was a hidden thread,a highly typical historic epitome,an art case with special meaning,an unavoidable character,who has extremely high academic research value,historical role and practical significance.This thesis consists of 5 parts.With China's times and social changes and art history development as its historical background,the first chapter reveals and summarizes Li Qingping's life,basic situation of her painting art work,and her art conception in five phases.The second chapter systematically explains Li's art style in her late nonobjectivism paintings from the aspects of painting subject,content and artistic form.This chapter also reveals the uniqueness and art value of Li's painting works in views of personalized painting language,painting subject of awareness of universe and life,the spiritual orientation of the harmony between human and nature in Chinese traditional culture.The third chapter mainly analyses the reasons for the formation of Li's abstract expressionism painting art style from the aspects of society,times,history,culture,Jingchu regional culture,folk culture,feminism,female arts,lineage and education,and personal factors.We can say that Li's unique painting style which transcended the times was an eternal existing undercurrent in the process of Chinese oil painting development.It complied with the pace of history,and it was a combination and development of western modem art in Chinese circumstance.In the fourth chapter,the author explores and summarizes the character features of Li's painting art by comparing with western abstract expressionism art,contemporaneous Chinese nonobjectivism artists and female artist.The fifth chapter makes a comprehensive discussion of the historical role and contemporary enlightenment of Li's painting art and makes a basic historical location for Li Qingpng and her art from two dimensions of Chinese modern art and female art.Based on the study of uLi Qingping Phenomena”,the thesis makes an in-depth analysis of the enlightenment of Li's painting art on modem art.Li Qingping's painting art and life pursuit may lead us to think about some human culture value like conception of subjectivity:when faced with the rough and threat,Li Qingping created graceful,indignant and character-rich aesthetics movement in the society full of political turmoil,wars,and human changes with her utter innocence.With her deep compassion and thought of human society,Li found the aesthetic ideal which could be relied on and trusted in an pure art world.Therefore,her art liberated from the restriction of the main stream regulations,and all kinds of art languages---colors,lines,subjects,compositions,rushed out from the so-call "meaning"and developed freely.The art of Li Qingping was not false decoration,but a burst of painful emotion from the inner heart of her life.As an experienced and special painter,Li Qingping not only realized tremendous art achievements,but also made irreplaceable contributions to the exploration and development of oil painting language.Hence,in the 20th century Chinese art history,Li should have her status.As an outstanding artist,Li Qingping pursued the spiritual and art world in a complex extreme circumstance,which made her an example for the modern artists in this material desire dominated society.As a female artist,Li Qingping's artistic innovation and life experience conform to the female liberation social tide in China in the 20th century.Her experience also enlightens us to have a further thought:how to make female artists achieve the real freedom and liberation,how to define the female artists' social and cultural value they really deserve.These are the research fields waiting for our further study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Qingping, abstract expressionism, art style, factor, comparison, status
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