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Fu Xuan Research

Posted on:2020-02-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306002977729Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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The purpose of this thesis is to study Fu Xuan,because Fu Xuan is an important writer representative in Wei and Jin Dynasty.He not only wrote "Fu Zi",but also has a large number of literary works,such as poetry,Fu,proses and so on.Previous resesrchers has always paid more attention to the part and less to the systematization.Therefore,there is still a large space for the comprehensive study of Fu Xuan.In addition to the introduction and conclusion,this paper include two parts:the study of Fu Xuan and "Fu Zi",and the study of literary works of Fu Xuan,each of which is divided into four chapters and totally eight chapters.The first chapter studies Fu Xuan's personality spirit charactereistic and creation situation.FuXuan's personality spirit charatereistic include trespect forConfucianism and learning,rewards the latecomers;The formation of his personality spirit is not only influenced by the inheritance of his family background,butalso closely related to the geographical and cultural environment of his personal experience.He experienced three periods in his life from the end of the Han Dynasty to the beginning of the Jin Dynasty.After the political event of Gao Ping ling,because of The similarities of the academic background and the consistency of interests,Fu Xuanhas turned to Si Ma Group.He made a lot of efforts to improve his life.Fu Xuan created" Fu Zin and a lard number of literary works.However,due to the serious loss of'Fu Zi"and "Fu Xuan Ji",The collecting work of "Fu Zi" began in the Qing Dynasty,.The collection and arrangement of'Fu Xuan Ji"began in the Ming Dynasty.In the second chapter is about the creation environment of "Fu Zi",Which is closely related to the academic thought environment and the social Wei Dynasty,the emergence of literary consciousness and the improvement of article status had played a great role in creating of "Fu Zi",In Wei and Jin Dynasty,with the rise of Legalists and Taoist.Confucianian was no longer the only important thought."Fu Zi"showedThe thought characteristic of diversification.During the Wei and Jin Dynasty,the rulers paid attention to the law and discipline,and discussed whether the corporal punishment should be restored or not.They dicussed appropriate talent selection methods.There were two regime changes in this period,and the rulers especially needed to build the culture of etiquette and the achievements in the construction of propriety in this period were remarkable.Above content also has important performance in "Fu Zi".Moreover,"Fu Zi" shows social criticism in content.Although "Fu Zi" contains all toughts,"Fu Zi" has the characteristics of taking Confucianism as the main body.The third Chapter is Fu Xuan "Fu Zi" and Confucianism in Wei and Jin Dynasty.Confucianism here mainly refers to the Confucian political ideology that has dominated feudal society for a long time.The position of Confucianism in Han Dynasty was gradually collapsing in the crisis of telent election and the political situation.In Wei and Jin Dynasty,Confucianism was no longer in the exclusive domination,but its political influence did not decline.For the disadvantages of Confucianism in the late Han Dynasty,on the one hand,Fu Xuan absorbed other thoughts and established a new method of selecting methods.On the basis of the discussion of ritual law and penalty reward,Fu Xuan established the political thoughts which combining Confucianism and law.The transformation of the two aspects made the Confucian political thought glow with new vigor and vitality again in Wei and Jin Dynasty,which better adapted to the requirements of the new eraenvironment.The fourth chapter is about the literary characteristics of "Fu Zi".From the literary views directly embodied in "Fu Zi",we found it value classics and literary talent.From the content of different part in "Fu Zi",the inner part belonging to the part of the political thesis,which not only has the characteristics of clear theme and combination of various argumentation methods,but also has the characteristics of various forms of sentence construction.The other contents of Biography of the three Kingdoms,have the characteristics of benevolence,faithfulness,and despising blarney in narrative thought.Direct narration and extrapolated narratiom combination.The fifth chapter studies Fu Xuan's poetry.The theme of Fu Xuan's poems can be divided into three parts:the ode,female theme poem,documentary poem and lyric peom.Fu Xuan is effective person of Sima Group.He is good at music,which makes him the best candidate for making ritual poem in the Western Jin Dynasty.He wrote a large number of elegant odes,which were characterized by the combination of extol,admonition and truth.His female theme poetry is characterized by deep attention and enlightenment.Moreover,his female poetry is not contradictory with its straight and Confucian personality spirit.His other poems are true and direct shows his emotional.Compared with the artistic characteristics f Jian'an 's poems,Fu Xuan's poems on one hand showed a wesk tendency of in terms of artistic appeal.On the other hand,in poetry creation,Fu Xuan attaches importance to artificial and makes hispoetry show the gorgeous characteristic,which has obvious guiding significance to the formation of the style of poetry in the Western Jin Dynasty.The sixth chapter studies Fu Xuan's FU.The number of his FU is 60 in the word.Which mainly performance a lot of things in the world.Under the influence of the social style of the Han and Wei dynasty,his FU had the characteristic of obvious truthfulness in content.During the Wei and Jin dynasty,with the awakening of the subject consciousness of the scribes and the gradual and obvious characteristics of the literary consciousness,the literary works of this period were gradually close to the daily life of the writers.In art,more attention is paid to the display of artistic skillsso that more literaryworks presenta tendencyof secularization and elaboration.The secularization and refinement of Fu Xuan's Fu,which is in this background under the influence of exposure.His fu is delicate,attach importance to life,not only beyond the Han Dynasty,but also affect the Western Jin Dynasty Fu style.The prosperity of poetry and parallel prose in Wei and Jin dynasty also had a great influence on the creation of Fu style.In the perpord of Jian'an,there was a phenomenon that miscellaneous words and lines had entered the writing,and Fu Xuan's prose appeared earlier in the period of Wei and Jin dynasty.This had an important influence on the appearance of a large number of poetic style Fu after Liu Song Dynasty.The seventh chapter studies Fu Xuan's prose.This chapter mainly focuses on Fu Xuan's proverbs,srgumentationg works and Fu preface as the object of study.Most of the works of the inscription continue the warning tradition function.Because Fu Xuan is a traditional Confucian,His numerous proverbs and inscriptions all show content characteristic of gentleman abstaining from self-cultivation.Fu Xuan's proverbs on the whole embody the artistic characteristics of gentle and elegant.It is worth noting that Fu Xuan's inscription works,in addition to most of the traditional functions of discipline and admonition,also show a relatively simple new function of writing scenery in Fu Xuan's works.In this part of the inscription,the traditional inscription behavior began to weaken,and the whole works showed the characteristics of the transition from non-literary Applied writing to literary aesthetic writing.besides his srgumentation works,which reflected Fu Xuan's concern for the world and practical style.The eighth chapter studies Fu Xuan's literary theory.Fu Xuan's literary theory is mainly embodied in literary creation theory and stylistic theory.Fu Xuan's literary creation thought is mainly embodied in two aspects,which combine simulation and innovation.Influenced by it,Fu Xuan presents the characteristics of them in literary creation.In addition,the pursuit of literary creation shows the characteristics of both enlightenment and entertainment.Moreover,the emphasis of different literary genres is also different.For example,Yuefu poetry attaches importance to enlightenment,and his Fu and some inscriptions obviously show an emphasis on entertainment.Moreover,in the Wei and Jin dynasty,Fu Xuan paid more attention to the style in the preface of his works,and formed a systematic stylistic theory.The formation of Fu Xuan's literary theory is closely related to simulation.Moreover,Fu Xuan's stylistic theory has been related to the source theory,style theory and so on.The basic paradigm of stylistic study has been preliminarily set up.Fu Xuan's theory of literary style had a great influence on literary criticism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fu Xuan, "Fu Zi", Literary creation, Literary theory
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