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A Preliminary Study Of The Book Of Victory

Posted on:2020-11-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J K D E NiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306002477724Subject:History of Chinese Ethnic Minorities
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ancient Persia is one of the important areas at the aicient Silk Road,Many Persians have traveled from West Asia to the East,with their own experience of the Silk Road,and left some important records,it including information on China-Persia friendly exchanges.The Zafarnama written by the Persian historian Sharaf al-Din 'All Yazdi during the Timur Dynasty(1370-1506 A.D.)is a historical record of the early history of the Timur Dynasty and the hole life achievements of Timur(1336-1405 A.D.),its founder.Its value has long been well known in the academic circles at home and abroad.However,so far in China,except for two Uygur versions(both excerpted versions),there are neither scientifically collated complete Chinese versions nor other versions,nor full-text translations and annotations,nor a comprehensive study of Sharaf al-Din 'Ali Yazdi in ancient philology and history.Therefore,in a way it restricts the use and reference of the Zafarnama by Chinese scholars.This paper takes Sharaf al-Din 'Ali Yazdi's Zafarnama as the research object,and makes a systematic study of this historical document.Considering the fact that almost all the manuscripts,translations and publications of the Zafarnama are collected in foreign countries,this paper chooses the Chaghatai manuscripts collected in the library of Lund University in Sweden to conduct case studies,to a certain extent,it fills in the gaps in the monographic study of the Zafarnama in China.Firstly,the author's lifetime,content and structure,edition,writing style and sources of historical materials are discussed from the perspective of philology.Then,from the historical point of view,makes a comparative study of the records and narrates of Central Asia and Xinjiang in the Zafarnama and other relevant historical materials.The main body of this paper consists of five chapters,the main contents of each chapter are as follows:The first chapter mainly discusses and analyses the life of Sharaf al-Din 'Ali Yazdi,his main works,the background and the writing process,the author's self-proclaimed title and various titles at home and abroad.Chapter two expounds various texts of the Zafarnama,and introduces the manuscripts and translations now collected all over the world,and briefly analyses the problems existing in various transcripts.In addition,the translation and publication of domestic and foreign and their existing problems are discussed and analyzed.Finally,gives a brief introduction to the manuscripts,versions,translations and publications on which the research is based,as well as the works related to the Zafarnama.Chapter three discussed the sources of historical date of the Zafarnama,which not only introduces the original historical materials collected by the author and the earlier works cited by him,but also,most importantly,clearly indicates the sources and methods of the author's manner of citation.In addition,explores the influence of the social and political environment on the author's way of collecting and dealing with historical materials.The author is not only a narrator,but also a participant and witness of some events,therefore,he has his own views on historical figures and events.As a matter of fact,the compilation of a historical book is very extensive.Chapter four discusses and analyses the style,structure and writing style of the Zafarnama,Firstly,explores various styles with biographical style as the core.An ancient history book may not have been completed along one style,the author incorporates various styles into his works,describing history in many ways.Then the structure and content of the Zafarnama are expounded.Which,based on the Chaghatai manuscripts collected by the library of Lund University,the structure and main contents of the Zafarnama are preliminarily studied.Finally,discusses the writing style of the Zafarnama,which has the dual nature of historical and literary works,and has a strong literary color.The fifth chapter takes the historical narrative related of the Central Asia and Xinjiang in the Zafarnama as a case,and makes a comparative study with the Chinese historical dates and other historical materials,so as to make a more detailed analysis and study of the historical value of the Zafarnama.Zafarnama is not a complete work either,it has its insufficients and defects,and it also has some records that do not conform to the actual situation,therefore,in the study of the Zafarnama,we must take the Marxist ideological point of view as the guide and persist in the principles and research methods of historical materialism.Various manuscripts,translations and publications of the Zafarnama,as well as related documents,are scattered and are basically collected abroad,which is difficult to find in China.So,at present,it is very difficult to make a comprehensive and complete comparative study of the different manuscripts and publications of this historical work.Ancient document research requires a high level of historical knowledge and linguistic competence of researchers,which is not an easy task for me to accomplish.This paper is only a tentative preliminary study of the Zafarnama,more specific,more detailed and more comprehensive and systematic research work are expected.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sharaf al-Din 'Ali Yazdi, Zafarnama, Text, Chaghatai Manuscripts, Historical date Value
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