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Research On The Theme And Image Of Vegetables In Ancient Chinese Literature

Posted on:2020-07-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T S NiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485305978998559Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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Vegetable is one of the main foods for human beings,which is closely related to People's Daily life.In addition to the basic food attributes,vegetables have also entered people's aesthetic field of vision and become an independent aesthetic object.Vegetable resources are extremely rich in China,providing inexhaustible material for vegetable writing in literature.There are ten kinds vegetables in this paper,such as osmunda,celery,leek,scallions,kwai,shepherd's purs,cabbage,alfalfa,turnip and radish.The key issues to be discussed including the name of each vegetable,planting,allusion,the course of literary writing,thematic works,classical images and literary implications.Based on the in-depth study of these ten vegetables,this paper summarizes the development of vegetable writing in ancient literature,its aesthetic implication,manifestation mode and literary and cultural connotation.The study of vegetable themes and images in ancient Chinese literature are mainly divided into two parts.One part is case study of ten vegetables.Osmunda is divided into bean osmunda and fern osmunda,which is one of the main wild vegetables in ancient China.Osmunda's literary writing started from the Book of Songs.Cai Wei is the classical image of Osmunda's literary writing,and its literary and cultural implication derives from the allusions of “Cai Wei" in the Book of Songs and Shih Chi.Osmunda has the personality symbol of hermit,which shows the hardship of military service,the hardship of life,the feeling of homesickness and the thought of seclusion.Celery is clear,sweet,quiet,clean,can be picked in the quiet stream bank,also can be planted in the garden field.It is not only the perfect vegetables to cram oneself,but also a good medium for poor people to express their feelings.In the course of thousands of years of writing,three classics have been gradually formed: "Cai Qin","Xian Qin" and"Xian Qin Bi Jian Geng".Courled mallow was closely related to the life of the ancients,and once the "master of 100 dishes" in history,The literary writing of courled mallow started from the Book of Songs,and there were courled mallow special poems in the Jin Dynasty.It began to endow mallow vegetables with the symbol of human character in Bao zhao's "garden mallow ode".“Kui Huo Qing Yang” is classic.Its main implication is the thought of loyalty to the monarch.It different from other vegetable images,which shows the centripetal force to politics rather than retreat and departure.Leek and scallions belonging to liliaceae,have much similarity in shape and I will discuss them in one chapter.There are many similarities in shape and taste,so I will discuss them in one chapter."Ye Yu Chun Jiu" is a classic literature writing,whose beauty is praised by poets of all ages.After Du fu,it gradually derived two implications: one is to confine the feelings of friends or express the true feelings between friends,and the other is to express the indifferent mentality and leisurely eating interest.The image about dew on scallions is the focus of the writing,and the theme of the image become more and more abundant.Shepherd's purse is a treasure of wild vegetables,literary writer pay their attention to its early spring nature and taste.On this basis,it is endowed with rich emotional and as well as the symbolic connotation of people's character,leaving a unique figure in the history of literatur.Cabbage from the “Feng” differentiation,including chinese cabbage,small cabbage,brassica chinensis.The literature about cabbage at the top of the list of vegetables with more than one hundred works.Literature obout cabbage focus on itscolor and flavor,including intoning cabbage,tasting cabbage,painting cabbage,its literature and culture connotation is very rich.Alfalfa was introduced into China from the Western Regions in the Han Dynasty,and it had a positive influence on ancient animal husbandry,diet,famine relief,literature and culture.Alfalfa is often associated with horse and frontier plug in literature.‘Muxu Pan'is a classical image in alfalfa literature.Turnips and radish are the two most important root vegetables in ancient China,which play a certain role in diet,medicine,folklore,literature and art.While focusing on the description of the form and taste of turnips and radish,the themes and images of turnips and radish in literary works often show people'sl life state,or use allusions to place certain emotions,or express the idyllic taste and reclusion interests.The second part is a summary based on ten vegetable studies.As the plant theme and image in literature,vegetables and flowers are similar.Although the vegetable literature has its own development rules,in general,the writing of vegetables in ancient Chinese literature can be summarized in three stages: origination,development and prosperity,with only a slight difference in time.As far as the aesthetic characteristics of vegetable literature,the ancients regarded vegetable as an independent aesthetic object,often paying attention to its growth habits and characteristics,taste and emotional coloring,which gave it the personality symbol of a poor scholar,a hermit,a Confucian scholar and person of ideals and integrity.Quoting some allusions of early vegetable literature into poems has become an important way for literary people to show their affection.As far as the writing style of vegetable literature,it mainly includes the close attachm ent of objects,side rendering,combination of vegetable and natural images,relieve,a nd the use of allusions.Vegetable literature has rich literary and cultural connotations,and the vegetable themes and images mainly contain the fashion of religion,the style of Confucianism,the thought of seclusion,the interest of pastoral and the way of self-cultivation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ancient Chinese literature, vegetables, theme, image
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